Accurate Profiling of Dynamically Compiled Code with Bytecode Instrumentation

Many profilers based on bytecode instrumentation yield wrong results in the presence of an optimizing dynamic compiler,  either due to not being aware of compiler optimizations or due to the inserted code disrupting some optimizations. To avoid such perturbations, we present a technique to make any profiler implemented at the bytecode level aware of optimizations performed by the dynamic compiler. We implement our approach in a state-of-the-art Java virtual machine and evaluate it with several profilers. Joint work with Yudi Zheng and Lubomir Bulej.

Dealing with Failures in Software-Intensive Systems

Although considerable effort has been invested in developing methods for testing and failure detection, synthesis of programs from abstract models and verification of programs (and models), techniques for locating the root cause of observed program failures are still relatively immature. Therefore, the utility for general testing and debugging techniques remain limited to specific programs, execution environments, and problem contexts. Furthermore, no plug&play toolset exists providing state-of-the-art techniques to help developers with testing and debugging.

Mestrados e PGs @DI 2017

Esta sessão tem como objetivo discutir as motivações e perspetivas associadas com a realização de um mestrado ou uma pós-graduação, apresentar a estrutura dos cursos e as disciplinas que estes envolvem e esclarecer as dúvidas que os potenciais interessados coloquem.

O programa da sessão inclui apresentações sobre:

Pi-calculus with static channels: from theory to practice

The secret pi calculus is a variant of the pi calculus that features both dynamic and static communication channels; differently from dynamic channels, the scope of static channels cannot be extruded.  This is achieved during the execution by means of a mechanism of accepted/blocked channels in process  rearrangement; the  construction  can be interpreted as a monitored run-time system.

Development of microbial cell factories - from the genome to production

The field of Metabolic Engineering (ME) has gained a major importance, since it allows the design of improved microorganisms for industrial applications, starting with wild-type strains that usually have low production capabilities in terms of the target compounds. The ultimate aim of ME is to identify genetic manipulations in silico leading to improved microbial strains, that can be implemented using novel molecular biology techniques.

Sobre a Inovação Disruptiva

No ensino universitário normal o aproveitamento/rendimento escolar é também motivo de preocupação em muitos países europeus, embora existam países onde esse rendimento se aproxima dos 100%. Em termos económicos, facilmente se percebe que quanto maior for a taxa de aprovação dos alunos, menor a desistência e a reprovação, mais justificadas estão as verbas públicas  (provenientes dos impostos) que o Estado investiu no sector da educação.
