Existence and Complexity of Equilibria in Congestion Games
Speaker: Diogo Poças.
Speaker: Diogo Poças.
Speaker: Soraia Pereira (CEAUL).
Por Casey Fiesler (University of Colorado Boulder).
Por Daniela Oliveira.
O Departamento de Informática promove duas sessões de boas-vindas aos novos alunos 2020/2021:
Between 15 and 18 September 2020, occurs the SafeComp 2020: 39th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security, which is organized by members of LASIGE (António Casimiro, Bernardo Ferreira, Ibéria Medeiros, Pedro Ferreira) and whose general chair and program co-chair is António Casimiro.
This year the key theme of the conference is "Safe AI in critical systems", with around 150 participants from 18 countries registering.
Por Vinicius Cogo (aluno de doutoramento de Ciências ULisboa).
Francisco Couto gave an invited talk, titled "Multilingual Text Mining" at the first edition of the Multilingual clinical NLP workshop: MUCLIN. The event took place on July 4, online.
The second Workshop on Data-Centric Dependability and Security will take place on June 29 and July 2, 2020 in València, Spain and is colocated with the IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN).
A iniciativa visa dar a conhecer a investigação que se faz no LASIGE / Departamento de Informática de Ciências ULisboa e consiste num conjunto de apresentações de 15 minutos cada, onde os docentes e investigadores do departamento apresentam os tópicos de investigação em que trabalham.
Link para a sessão: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/93683451569.