Speaker: Emilio Tuosto.
Abstract: Choreography envisages distributed coordination as determined by interations that allow peer components to harmoniously realise a given task. Unlike in orchestration-based coordination, there is no special component directing the execution. Recently choreographic approaches are becoming popular in industrial contexts where reliability and scalability are crucial factors. However, choreographic development of distributed software may be problematic. In this talk I will review some recent ideas to harness choreographic development of message-passing software.
Bio: Emilio Tuosto is an associate professor. I graduated (1998) and got my PhD degree in Computer Science (2003) at the department of Computer Science, University of Pisa. Before joining Leicester, I have been a research associate (2003-2005) at the Dipartimento di Informatica (University of Pisa). Emilio Tuosto's main research interests are in theoretical and applied aspects of comples distributed systems. Recently I've been working on automata- and behavioural type-based models of distributed choreographies, contract-based models of distributed interactions, and their application to software engineering of distributed and concurrent systems.