Topics in Optics for Space & Ground Based Astronomical Instruments

The SPOF 2018 Summer School on “Topics in Optics for Space & Ground Based Astronomical Instruments” will happen in 10 and 11 of September 2018 at the Physics Department of the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa.

During two days, participants will attend lectures/seminars given by leading university professors and astrophysics and space industry specialists concerning the main challenges and developments in optical design of astronomical instruments for both space and ground segments.

Synchronization in networks: concepts and models

Por Alexander Goltsev (Universidade de Aveiro).

Abstract: The main aim is to give examples of synchronization of nonlinear oscillators in real systems and to introduce the Kuramoto model as a simple model of synchronization of phase oscillators in complex networks. This model allows us to understand the emergence of synchronization and the role of network struture for this phenomenon.​
