Por Nuno Leonardo (LIP).
Abstract: Since the start of the LHC, almost a decade ago, a large and uniquely rich data set has been collected by its detectors. The overarching goal of the field is, on the one hand, to probe the current standard model of particle physics and, on the other hand, to find and characterise the new physics that lies beyond it. The Higgs boson lies at the core of the theory. Its discovery, in 2012 by the ATLAS and CMS experiments, is a major achievement. What have we learned about this particle since then? The search for new physics in LHC data is a most exciting endeavour that is being actively pursued in alternative and complementary ways. I will report on the status of the scalar and on the ongoing search effort for new physics. I further highlight a tantalising pattern of deviations that are emerging from the data, which form the most significant indication of new physics in collider data to date.
Short bio: Nuno Leonardo conducts research in the high energy frontier, being involved in the exploration of LHC data with the CMS detector at CERN. He is a researcher at LIP. Previously he held researcher positions at MIT, CERN and Purdue University, and studied at IST (Licenciatura), Cambridge (MSc) and MIT (PhD). At CMS he has served in the Trigger and Physics coordination of the experiment, and at LIP he serves as coordinator for advanced training. He has made contributions in the areas of heavy flavor, heavy ions, Higgs and searches for new physics beyond the standard model.