Por Karla Peña Ramírez (University of Antofagasta, Chile).
Abstract: Open clusters are understood as groups of coeval stars with the same chemical composition since they were formed in single events from the same molecular cloud. Galactic structure studies require a large sample of stellar clusters not only to assure a homogeneous spatial distribution of stellar groups but to overcome the uncertainties in the cluster parametrization. The VVV(X) can overcome these two caveats (sampling and accuracy in cluster parameterization) simultaneously. We plan to present our current efforts focused in the parametrization and sub-structure of a sample of young open clusters.
Short biography: Karla Peña Ramírez finished her physics studies at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Later on, she made her Master and Ph.D. at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Spain. Since then she has been working as a postdoctoral researcher in Chile where currently makes part of the faculty team at the Universidad de Antofagasta in the surroundings of the Atacama desert. She is part of the VISTA public surveys VVV(X) and VISIONS as well as part of the SDSS-IV/SDSS-V consortium. Her research focuses on the substellar population in star-forming regions, formation and evolution of brown dwarfs and planetary-mass objects, the Initial Mass Function, characterization of young clusters in the star-forming regions and the low-mass stellar and substellar kinematics.