XIV Encontro Nacional de Biologia Evolutiva

O Encontro Nacional de Biologia Evolutiva tem como objetivo principal juntar Biólogos Evolutivos a trabalhar em Portugal e no estrangeiro, de modo a promover coesão e excelência científica. Este encontro proporciona a cientistas de todos os graus académicos (de estudantes de mestrado a investigadores principais) a oportunidade de apresentarem o seu trabalho e discuti-lo com o resto da comunidade científica, promovendo assim a criação de novas ideias e colaborações.


Datas importantes:

Frontiers in E3: cE3c Annual Meeting

In this annual event, cE3c researchers gather together to present and discuss their latest projects, scientific results and outreach initiatives, and explore novel ideas.

The two-day programme will include plenary conferences, oral presentations, poster sessions and thematic workshops. Although it is an event reserved to the cE3c community, the plenary conferences will be open to the public. 

Introduction to Big Data - knowledge extraction from biological databases

During recent decades we have witnessed a great development of bioinformatics that has led to the accumulation of a huge amount of biological information. The Bioinformatics and computational Biology aim at dealing with this large volume of data so that biological information can be extracted, generating scientific knowledge. Handling and mining big data is currently a subject of great interest and importance.
