Introduction to GAM and GAMM with R: Frequentist approaches

The course starts with a revision of multiple linear regression, followed by a basic introduction to generalised additive models (GAM) to analyse continuous data, count data and binary/proportional data.

In the second part of the course generalised additive mixed effects models (GAMM) are introduced to analyse nested data.

During the course several case studies are presented, in which the statistical theory is integrated with applied analyses in a clear and understandable manner.

Stable isotopes in Ecology and Environment: a tool to integrate scales and complexity

Currently, climate changes or alterations are known to be reflected on the stable isotope ratios of Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Carbon, Oxygen and Sulphur present in atmospheric gas forms, fresh or ocean water, as well as in plants and animals and organic matter in the soil. Samples from those matrices can provide a record for such changes across a given length of time and / or space. Also, ecological and physiological processes often reflect on stable isotope ratios, again setting a record in plant, animal or other living tissues.
