Melhor desenho atribuído a banda desenhada sobre alterações climáticas

“Ao contrário do que aparentava no início deste projeto, foi relativamente fácil dar um ritmo de arte sequencial (banda desenhada) ao argumento. (…) O grande desafio foi o de criar um conjunto invulgarmente numeroso de personagens e fazê-lo de forma que o leitor não ficasse confundido ou perdido perante a panóplia de intervenientes. (…) Outra dificuldade foi o de misturar personagens reais - tais como os investigadores que participaram no projecto ClimAdaPT.

A Plant-Soil perspective on the effects of nitrogen on soils

Por Teresa Dias (Post-Doc Researcher, PSE - Research Group).

The Plant-Soil Ecology group aims to underpin key interactions at soil level that regulate ecosystem processes and link structure and function under natural or man-made ecosystems. Our perspective is to fetch natural solutions for man-made problems. Specifically, focusing on nutrient availability as a key factor that affects biotic and abiotic interactions, and thus regulates ecosystem functioning.

Impacts of Fire on Water Quality

2017 was marked by wildfires which ravaged Portugal and other regions around the world. The ash generated by these fires can contaminate downstream rivers and reservoirs, harming aquatic ecosystems and limiting water resources for human use. There is an urgent need to understand transport pathways, determine post-fire contamination risks, design effective mitigation measures, and support long-term land-use planning in fire-prone forests.

Marta Daniela Santos

O que fazem e o que pensam alguns membros da comunidade de Ciências? O primeiro Dictum et factum de 2018 é com Marta Daniela Santos, responsável pelo Gabinete de Comunicação do cE3c – Centro de Ecologia, Evolução e Alterações Ambientais.

Introduction to Linear Mixed Effects Models and GLMM with R

The course starts with a short revision of multiple linear regression and generalised linear models, followed by an introduction to linear mixed effects models and generalised linear mixed effects models (GLMM) to analyse nested (also called hierarchical or clustered) data, e.g. multiple observations from the same animal, site, area, nest, patient, hospital, vessel, lake, hive, transect, etc.

FoodPlaces: A Planning-based Approach to Carbon Farming & Regenerative Design

Por Mario Yanez.

Mario Yanez is dedicated to envisioning and inspiring a transition toward life-sustaining, resilient human communities.

He has an academic background in finance, information systems and ecology. He has several decades of experience applying systems thinking to developing and funding cutting-edge programming and creating provocative and relevant active-learning curriculum supportive of a much-needed cultural evolution.
