
Intersection theory in a nearlysmooth complex space

Por Daniel Barlet (Inst. Élie Cartan, Lorraine).

Abstract: We shall explain how the classical intersection theory of cycles in a complex manifold is generalized to an ambient nearly smooth complex space. A key point is the local moving lemma for cycles in a complex manifold. The new phenomenon is the fact that the intersection multiplicity of two integral cycles may be a rational not integral number in this context.

João Martins

O que fazem e o que pensam alguns membros da comunidade de Ciências? O Dictum et factum de fevereiro de 2018 é com João Martins, técnico superior do Departamento de Física de Ciências.

Robinson-Schensted and RSK correspondences for Skew and Skew Shifted Tableaux

Por Inês Martins Rodrigues (aluna de doutoramento da FCUL).

Abstract: The Robinson-Schensted correspondence, introduced by Schensted (1961) in its most well-known form, presents a bijective correspondence between permutations and pairs of standard Young tableaux of the same shape. Knuth (1970) presented a generalization, the RSK correspondence, for semistandard Young tableaux.

Using o-minimality to compute lower bounds on sample complexity of neural networks

Por Alex Usvyatsov (Universidade de Lisboa, CMAF-CIO).

Abstract: I will discuss the concept of sample complexity in statistical learning theory. Then I will show how definability of many hypothesis classes (for example, essentially all artificial neural networks used in practice) in o-minimal structures, helps to compute tighter lower bounds on sample complexity for these hypothesis classes.
