
Spatio-Temporal Modelling using Bootstrap Methods

Por Raquel Menezes (Departamento de Matemática - Universidade do Minho).

Environmental monitoring data often have both a spatial structure, determined by the locations of monitors, and a temporal one, determined by the frequency with which observations are taken at these locations. Advances in technology have made the collection of datasets with this structure increasingly common in a wide variety of settings.

Data Science in Practice

Data Science Unplugged (DSup) is a community for everyone becoming a data scientist or keen on learning and sharing knowledge about statistics and data science. This time DSup brings you a full-day event with several speakers and a workshop: Data Science in Practice.

Provas de Agregação "P-hub median problems: a laboratory for mixed-integer stochastic linear programming?"

As provas, requeridas por Francisco Alexandre Saldanha da Gama Nunes da Conceição, decorrem nos dias 01 e 02 de fevereiro de 2018.

No dia 02 de fevereiro, será apreciado o sumário do seminário/lição com o título "P-hub median problems: a laboratory for mixed-integer stochastic linear programming?".

Introduction to Linear Mixed Effects Models and GLMM with R

The course starts with a short revision of multiple linear regression and generalised linear models, followed by an introduction to linear mixed effects models and generalised linear mixed effects models (GLMM) to analyse nested (also called hierarchical or clustered) data, e.g. multiple observations from the same animal, site, area, nest, patient, hospital, vessel, lake, hive, transect, etc.
