Data Science

Mestrados e PGs @DI 2019

Esta sessão tem como objetivo discutir as motivações e perspetivas associadas com a realização de um mestrado ou uma pós-graduação, apresentar a estrutura dos cursos e as disciplinas que estes envolvem e esclarecer as dúvidas que os potenciais interessados coloquem.

O programa da sessão inclui apresentações sobre:

Biclustering in Biomedical Data Analysis: Algorithms and Applications

Biclustering, the discovery of sets of objects with coherent values/patterns on subsets of features, was shown to be key to unravel and characterize informative regions (biclusters) within matricial, time series and network data, in a wide-set of applications in biomedical and social data analysis. Particularly in biomedical problems, where groups of genes or patients tend to be only meaningfully related on a subset of the sampled/monitored conditions.

Data Science in (Astro)Particle Physics and the Bridge to Industry

LIP and IDPASC are organising from 12th to 16th March 2018 in Lisbon, the event Data Science in (Astro)Particle Physics and the Bridge to Industry.

The goal of this event is to show the synergies between fundamental research and applied Data Science in the society.  In the the first three days a school on Data Science for fundamental physics will be held. The target audience is undergraduate and PhD students, as well as young researchers. 

Data Science in Practice

Data Science Unplugged (DSup) is a community for everyone becoming a data scientist or keen on learning and sharing knowledge about statistics and data science. This time DSup brings you a full-day event with several speakers and a workshop: Data Science in Practice.
