Speaker: Hugo Gamboa (Plux).
Abstract: From the perspective of collection, processing, feature extraction, and making sense of biosignals we will briefly cover the most used biosignals extracted from our hearth, brain, hands, muscles, lungs, voice among others. We will give examples and show opportunities for creating knowledge and applications from biosignals. Also in with multivariate biosignals examples, we will showcase the extraction of identity, location, activity and personality form the behaviour expressed in biosignals.
Bio: He is an Assistant Professor at the Physics Department of the Sciences and Technology Faculty of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa and member of LIBPHYS. PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon. As a Senior Scientist at Fraunhofer Portugal coordinates the Lisbon Office research group focuses on Intelligent Systems. He is a founder and President of PLUX, a technology-based innovative startup in the field wireless medical sensors, focused on microelectronics, biosignal processing and software development. He leads a research team on LIBPHYS with expertise on medical instrumentation, biosignal processing and machine learning applied to biosignals. Published more than 25 Journal Papers; 10 Book Chapters; 9 books (selected best papers); 79 Conference Papers. He is a IEEE Senior member.