EU Missions Ignite: Preparing for the Road Ahead
O evento visa mobilizar atores nacionais nas missões europeias do Horizonte Europa que contribuem para o Pacto Ecológico Europeu.
O evento visa mobilizar atores nacionais nas missões europeias do Horizonte Europa que contribuem para o Pacto Ecológico Europeu.
O evento assinala o encerramento e a sinergia de dois projetos cofinanciados pelo EEA Grants, com atuação comum na problemática da erosão dos solos e no combate à desertificação no Baixo Alentejo.
Seminário no âmbito da unidade curricular "Desafios e Perspetivas Emergentes em Geologia", por Edward Zungailia (EDZ Environmental Consulting, Lda).
Encontro Scientia, por Teresa Dias (cE3c - Plant-Soil Ecology).
The course aims at introducing attendants to an updated state of the art of diversity of the soil biota and the functional roles played by soil organisms in key ecological processes.
Conversa com Galopim de Carvalho.
Primeiro curso de formação organizado pelo projeto europeu H2020 SOILdarity.
This course is conceived to give an integrated view of the living component of soils, and its key role on ecosystem functions and processes.
Lack of fertile land to feed the exponentially growing population, insufficient water availability and quality, changes in the flow of nutrients through the bio-geo-cycles (especially N and P) and climate and land use changes are impacting ecosystems and their capacity to deliver goods and services for humans. It is striking that all these issues interact around one common resource - SOIL and its biodiversity.
Por Teresa Dias (Post-Doc Researcher, PSE - Research Group).
The Plant-Soil Ecology group aims to underpin key interactions at soil level that regulate ecosystem processes and link structure and function under natural or man-made ecosystems. Our perspective is to fetch natural solutions for man-made problems. Specifically, focusing on nutrient availability as a key factor that affects biotic and abiotic interactions, and thus regulates ecosystem functioning.