
Biclustering in Biomedical Data Analysis: Algorithms and Applications

Biclustering, the discovery of sets of objects with coherent values/patterns on subsets of features, was shown to be key to unravel and characterize informative regions (biclusters) within matricial, time series and network data, in a wide-set of applications in biomedical and social data analysis. Particularly in biomedical problems, where groups of genes or patients tend to be only meaningfully related on a subset of the sampled/monitored conditions.

Tecnologias e Dispositivos Médicos

A sessão contará com apresentações de Miguel Tavares da Silva (IST), Paulo Fernandes (IST), Mónica Oliveira (IST) e Vera Moniz-Pereira (FMH). Posteriormente, haverá espaço para debate onde os presentes serão convidados à troca de conhecimentos, discussão académica e reforço das interligações entre o conhecimento científico e tecnológico.
