
Complete arithmetical solids and nonstandard analysis

Imme Van Den Berg
Universidade de Évora

Abstract: Together with Bruno Dinis we developed an axiomatics for the external numbers of nonstandard analysis. The axioms are similar to, but somewhat weaker than the axioms for the real numbers and deal with algebraic rules, Dedekind completeness and the Archimedean property. A structure satisfying these axioms is called a complete arithmetical solid. We show that such a structure must have a built-in nonstandard model for the real number system.

CSA 2016 - International Conference on Semigroups and Automata

Os Professores Jorge Almeida (Universidade do Porto) e Gracinda Gomes (Universidade de Lisboa) desempenharam ao longo dos anos um papel extraordinário no desenvolvimento da teoria de semigrupos e autómatos em Portugal e têm tido o reconhecimento inequívoco de toda a comunidade internacional nesta área, quer pelas suas contribuições científicas, quer por terem impulsionado a chamada escola portuguesa de semigrupos.

Min-max theory in Geometry

André Neves
Imperial College London

Abstract: Min-max theory was recently used by myself and Fernando Marques to prove the Willmore Conjecture, the Freedman-He-Wang Conjecture, and the Yau Conjecture for metrics with positive Ricci curvature. I will survey those results and talk about new directions in the area.

This seminar is supported by National Funding from FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, under the project: UID/MAT/04561/2013.
