Lie algebras and higher Teichmüller components
Geometry Webinar, por André Oliveira (CMUP).
Geometry Webinar, por André Oliveira (CMUP).
Speaker: Giordano Cotti (GFM).
Speaker: César Rodrigo (EST Setúbal, CMAFcIO).
Pedro Freitas, professor do Departamento de História e Filosofia das Ciências e investigador do Centro Interuniversitário de História das Ciências e da Tecnologia, escreve sobre Almada Negreiros, figura maior da cultura portuguesa do século XX.
Speaker: Davide Masoero (Grupo de Física Matemática, FCUL).
Abstract: We study a second-order linear differential equation known as the deformed cubic oscillator, whose isomonodromic deformations are controlled by the first Painlevé equation. We use the generalised monodromy map for this equation to give solutions to the Bridgeland's Riemann-Hilbert problem arising from the Donaldson-Thomas theory of the A2quiver.
Speaker: Gonçalo Tabuada (FCTUNL).
Abstract: The Weil conjectures (proved by Deligne in the 70's) played a key role in the development of modern algebraic geometry. In this talk, making use of some recent topological "technology", I will extended the Weil conjectures from the realm of algebraic geometry to the broad noncommutative setting of differential graded categories. Moreover, I will prove the noncommutative Weil conjectures in some interesting cases.
Por Ana Cristina Casimiro (Universidade Nova de Lisboa).
Por Gonçalo Oliveira (Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF).
By Sean Lawton (George Mason Univ.)
Por Tom Sutherland (Grupo de Física Matemática).
Abstract: I will give an explicit description of the space of stability conditions of a set of Calabi-Yau-3 triangulated categories labelled by the Painlevé equations. We will see how the Painlevé equations appear in a Riemann-Hilbert problem motivated by the enumerative geometry of Calabi-Yau-3 categories whose solution is related to the study of the monodromy of opers.