


In case of emergency: Ext. 20000 - Tel. + 351 217 500 600

Emergency contacts at FCUL

Ext. 20000   -   Tel. + 351 217 500 600 

Emergency in Ciências

Emergency contacts. Use only for emergencies.  Keep these contacts in your mobile phone.


WARNING: Use these contacts only for emergencies. For all other matters, use ext. 25205.

Ext. 25205 and Mobile +351968693307 remain as C5 Surveillance Center contacts but are not associated exclusively to emergencies


What to do?

General information about emergency situations on the webpages of National Authority for Civil Protection, National Institute of Medical Emergency  (INEM) and the Portuguese Poison Centre (CIAV).

Instruções Gerais de Segurança

For more information on security.


First Aid

​​​​​​FCUL is equipped with procedures, material means and a team of trained workers to stabilize and save the life of victims from lesions or sudden disease. In the case of sudden disease or accident that leads to serious injuries, call extension 20000 or telephone 217 500 600 (Surveillance Station). Then, call 112 immediately.


FCUL has its own programme of automated external defibrillator (AED) which is integrated in the first aid plan and is duly licensed by INEM (registration no. 0313/2014; certificate no. 309/2014).

Access to the European emergency number is available from any telephone at FCUL (even if you don’t have access to an external network) by lifting the handset and dialling 112.

Click for more information on first aid at Ciências.



Emergencies of a psychological/psychiatric nature

Information available on the Psychological and Learning Support Office website.


Event Presentation

Powerpoint presentation to show in events.