Check the top buttons for News and Events related to Sustainability, available on our website.
From 16 to 24 November, the European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR) is celebrated, and this year's theme is Food Waste.
WE can ALL make a difference by reflecting on the impact of waste and adopting more sustainable practices!
How can you help?
If you have foods that you will no longer consume or that are about to expire, DO NOT throw them away!
Have at home:
Maintenance with an expiration date?
Too many food products?
Something you've stopped consuming but is still in your closet?
Don't let these foods go to waste! Instead, bring them to our Pickup Point!
The donated food will be sent to REFOOD, which will distribute it to those who need it most, helping to combat waste and promoting more responsible consumption.
Did you know that 1/3 of the food produced for human consumption is wasted?
Reducing food waste is the #1 action to fight climate change!
Food waste consumes 25% of fresh water and generates 10% of greenhouse gases.
It is an economic and environmental problem — and we all have the power to change!
Cências ULisboa is joining this cause and invites our entire community to participate!
Let's act, reduce waste and at the same time, help those in need!
International Workshop on Sustainable Ocean Planning & Management
November 27, 09h30-13h00, FCiências.ID Amphitheatre, Lisbon
This workshop is supported by ERC project PLAnT (funded by the European Research Council) and MARE ULisboa.
Join us for a discussion on the challenges and opportunities of developing and implementing sustainable marine spatial planning (MSP) and management around the globe. With international experts from Brazil, USA, Spain and Portugal as guest speakers!
Registration: not mandatory, but recommended!
Mushroom Production Workshop on December 15th, 11H-16H at PermaLab (on the FCUL campus).
Registration form:
Event Summary:
- Take advantage of this day to learn about homemade mushroom production, from theory to practice!
- Each participant takes with them a mushroom kit produced this afternoon (included in the registration!) and also all the knowledge to do it again autonomously!
- Workshop brought by the project @DilenaFungi created by 2 guardians of the @HortaFCUL Diogo Ribeiro and Madalena Mariano who will accompany you on this day and share their knowledge on the subject!
Registration in @HortaFCUL or @DilenaFungi
On 26 and 27 November, find out how European cities are leading the way in sustainable urban regeneration.
This conference will explore the synergies between innovation and cultural heritage, guided by the New European Bauhaus initiative.
Through the perspectives of the pioneering HUB-IN project, we will explore how historic districts can be revitalized in a sustainable way, promoting economic growth, environmental resilience and social inclusion.
Register now! Conference in English with simultaneous translation into Portuguese.
This session will explore the central role of hydrogen as a clean fuel in the global energy transition. Emerging opportunities, such as the growth of new value chains, will also be addressed, as well as challenges such as the necessary infrastructure and production costs. Long-term trends will also be analyzed, highlighting their impact.
The Session is free, but registration is mandatory, subject to validation.
The celebration of the 4th year of Green Savers magazine coincided this year with the date of the fifth conference promoted by the brand dedicated to thinking about Sustainability from a 360-degree perspective
Filipe Duarte Santos, Full Professor at the Department of Physics of Sciences Ulisboa, president of the National Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development, opened the session through a historical retrospective on the evolution of environmental challenges and the way in which science, technology and society have sought to respond to the consequences generated by climate change, such as the loss of biodiversity, chemical pollution, ocean acidification, among other problems.
In this training, you will get to know the basic theoretical-practical material to get started in permaculture. In this introduction to Permaculture we will have the opportunity to explore:
- The genesis of Permaculture
- The Ethics and Principles of Permaculture
- Design Tools
- Sector, Element and Zone Analysis
And all this surrounded by the unique atmosphere of the Permaculture Living Lab (by HortaFCUL), in CIÊNCIAS. Don't miss this opportunity and make yourself a modern permaculturist.
More information / registration
We all see umbrellas that are improperly abandoned, everywhere, as soon as autumn-winter begins!
Have you ever stopped to question whether there is a better solution to avoid wasting these resources?
The Faculty of Sciences of ULisboa has 2 (two) collection points available, where you can leave the damaged umbrellas that you find on your way.
Later the Eco-Social Nucleus and AEFCL will hand them over to R-Coat so that they can work their magic and reuse these resources to make new products such as raincoats and hats!
You can find these collection points in the C5 building, in front of the HortaFCUL stand and also at the entrance of the C6 building, next to the globe!
UNESCO Survey - Empowering women and promoting gender equality in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)
UNESCO, in collaboration with Gender Scan, has launched an initiative to better understand the motivations and challenges faced by STEM students and professionals. This survey addresses issues such as harassment, obstacles to leadership and the pay gap.
FCUL's CiclOficina helps bike users repair their bikes for free and create a culture of using bicycles as urban transport. CiclOficina is for everyone and aims to involve bicycle users in their repair, thus allowing progressive learning.
Every Wednesday from 18:00 to 20:00 in Building C3, floor 1, Science ULisboa.
Other events in the field of Sustainability
SOCLIMPACT ( is a research and innovation project from Horizon 2020 that aims to model and assess the impacts of climate change and the ways of adapting to climate changes, for case studies covering 11 islands and European archipelagos. Ciências ULisboa, through FC.ID, was the Insular Focal Point for the Autonomous Region of the Azores and coordinated the work package for creating the Adaptation to Climate Change paths.