Check the top buttons for News and Events related to Sustainability, available on our website.
Call for Projects H2O & Sustainability Innovation Hub - Applications until 28-02-2025
The initiative aims to reward and support the implementation of innovation and entrepreneurship projects related to the themes of Water, Sustainability, ESG, Circular Economy, Sustainable Tourism and Energy Efficiency.
See More
Lisbon Calls for Innovative Minds 12 February, 10 - 11:30h (Lisbon) Online
Participate in the C40 “Students Reinventing Cities” Competition
Lisboa E-Nova, in collaboration with the Lisbon City Council, invites you to join the C40 “Students Reinventing Cities” competition, a global initiative that challenges students and universities to envision innovative solutions for sustainable and inclusive urban transformation.
Register for the Webinar| Learn More About the Competition
The Unite! Seed Fund 2025 is a fund aimed at supporting innovative and collaborative projects between the member universities of the alliance.
Applications close on March 20, 2025, and several matchmaking events are planned to help participants find partners for their projects. Learn more
Source: HortaFCUL
HortaFCUL celebrated 15 years of existence last year. Since the initial letter sent to the Board in 2009, requesting an opportunity to develop a community permaculture project on campus, it has come a long way to establish itself as a center of knowledge and a source of valuable social and environmental tools, not only for Ciências ULisboa, but also for many other national and international projects and institutions. More about here. HortaFCUL's 2024 activity report is available for reading.
2024 was once again marked by climate extremes with heat waves, atmospheric depressions and more and more species vulnerable to climate change. The weekly magazine Biosphere, which presents sustainable paths for Portugal, had the participation of teachers Alice Nunes and Cristina Branquinho, on the episode of 21/12/2024.
Introduction to Winter Pruning - February 8th at @HortaFCUL with Francisco Oliveira
And all this surrounded by the unique atmosphere of the Permaculture Living Lab (by @HortaFCUL), at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon.
Registration and more information here
The vertical garden planted in old carpets that line the walls to keep the temperature inside the kitchen low in the summer is one of the innovative projects created by the guardians of HortaFCUL - Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon and has been in the news!
Here: LusaVideo: Garden planted in carpets covers walls and maintains temperature in FCUL's kitchen (edited) | Watch
And here: Garden planted in carpets lines walls and maintains temperature in FCUL's kitchen
Contest "Let's give a second life to banknotes" - Applications until February 14
The competition, promoted by Banco de Portugal, aims to encourage and involve society in the development of prototypes that allow the reuse of waste euro banknotes that do not meet the quality requirements to remain in circulation. Alternative solutions to incineration that are environmentally sustainable and value-generating are sought.
For more information, see the contest regulations, calendar and FAQs.
We all see umbrellas that are improperly abandoned, everywhere, as soon as autumn-winter begins!
Have you ever stopped to question whether there is a better solution to avoid wasting these resources?
The Faculty of Sciences of ULisboa has 2 (two) collection points available, where you can leave the damaged umbrellas that you find on your way.
Later the Eco-Social Nucleus and AEFCL will hand them over to R-Coat so that they can work their magic and reuse these resources to make new products such as raincoats and hats!
You can find these collection points in the C5 building, in front of the HortaFCUL stand and also at the entrance of the C6 building, next to the globe!
UNESCO Survey - Empowering women and promoting gender equality in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)
UNESCO, in collaboration with Gender Scan, has launched an initiative to better understand the motivations and challenges faced by STEM students and professionals. This survey addresses issues such as harassment, obstacles to leadership and the pay gap.
FCUL's CiclOficina helps bike users repair their bikes for free and create a culture of using bicycles as urban transport. CiclOficina is for everyone and aims to involve bicycle users in their repair, thus allowing progressive learning.
Every Wednesday from 18:00 to 20:00 in Building C3, floor 1, Science ULisboa.
Other events in the field of Sustainability
SOCLIMPACT ( is a research and innovation project from Horizon 2020 that aims to model and assess the impacts of climate change and the ways of adapting to climate changes, for case studies covering 11 islands and European archipelagos. Ciências ULisboa, through FC.ID, was the Insular Focal Point for the Autonomous Region of the Azores and coordinated the work package for creating the Adaptation to Climate Change paths.