News and Events

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Solar Garden: Two Years Cultivating Sustainability and Innovation

To celebrate the second anniversary of the Solar Garden, we invite the entire academic community to join us for a special planting session on the morning of March 21, starting at 10:00 AM. This initiative will kick off the spring planting season, fostering interaction among students, professors, and volunteers in a hands-on learning environment.

In addition to contributing to the renewal of the garden, participants will have the opportunity to learn more about the sustainable farming techniques used in the project and understand how the integration of solar panels influences crop growth.

All hands are welcome to help cultivate a more sustainable future!

See more: Solar Garden: Two Years Cultivating Sustainability and Innovation | Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon


Elementos da Rede Miniflorestas de Portugal

On March 7, FCULresta hosted the first in-person meeting of partner organizations that make up the newly established Network of Mini-Forests of Portugal.

The event venue also served to celebrate the four-year anniversary of the CIÊNCIAS mini-forest—the first documented in the country and a pioneer in adapting the Miyawaki method for restoring Mediterranean ecosystems in urban areas with a Mediterranean climate. More importantly, it was an opportunity to reflect on the positive impact this project has had across Portugal.

To mark the occasion, an RTP news team was on-site to cover the discussions and the visit.

Currently, the Network of Mini-Forests of Portugal includes 40 mini-forests, facilitated and monitored by six associations: 2adapt (in partnership with CIÊNCIAS), The Biggest Mini Forest (Algarve), Ilhas de Biodiversidade (Lisbon Metropolitan Area), Forest Impact (Cascais and Évora), URBEM (Lisbon), Nativawaky (Algarve)

See more: Small forests, big impact: The First Meeting of the Network of Mini-Forests of Portugal | Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon


CIÊNCIAS conquista primeiro lugar em concurso do primeiro encontro de sustentabilidade

CIÊNCIAS wins top prizes in the competitions of ULisboa's 1st Sustainability Meeting!

On March 11, the 1st Sustainability Meeting of ULisboa took place, with the main objective of promoting a constructive discussion on ULisboa's sustainability strategy and highlighting best practices from the Schools presented by Student Associations.

The Pedagogical, Cultural, and Social Action Department of aefcl, represented by coordinator Marta Ferreira, in collaboration with the President of ecosocialfcul, Mariana Viais, and the President of oficinadasenergias, Mário Vilas, showcased CIÊNCIAS sustainable initiatives through the presentation of the winning poster and video.

Also at this event, Margarida Santos-Reis, Deputy Director of SCIENCES, presented RedeSustenta, and David Avelar, from SCIENCES and co-founder of 2adapt, participated in the Sustainability 360º roundtable discussion.


Spring is Just Around the Corner! Join Our Agroforestry Workshop at HortaFCUL

Spring is knocking at the door, and the first flowers are already bringing more color to the spaces at HortaFCUL. This is the perfect time to make the final preparations for a lush and productive agroforest that will provide us with fruit, biodiversity, and shade during the hotter months.

In this workshop, we will learn about strategic pruning, smart plant associations, and natural ways to enhance the resilience of our agroforestry system.

Join us at PermaLab to get your hands in the soil and prepare our gardens for a new cycle of abundance!

Sign up here


In an interview with Green Savers, António Alexandre and David Avelar talk about the Miniforest at Ciências ULisboa: "After 3 years, we have a survival rate of approximately 70% for the originally planted species."

See here: Minifloresta da Ciências ULisboa: “Após 3 anos, temos uma sobrevivência das espécies originalmente plantadas de cerca de 70%”


DOMUS - Sheltering and Getting to Know Biodiversity of CIÊNCIAS Up Close

Opinion survey on the diversity of wild species on the ULisboa campus, as a way to promote closer interaction between the community and the existing animal biodiversity, and to raise awareness of the value of biodiversity and its importance in building more sustainable cities with a better quality of life.

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Applications until 25-04-2025

Consortium of Schools of Biodiversity and Natural Sciences opens a new call for 20 research grants. The Doctoral Programme in Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution of SCIENCES, with strong involvement of cE3c, is one of the doctoral programmes covered

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Voluntárias da HortaFCUL mondam ninhos de plantas no Bioilhas@MARE  Fonte HortaFCUL
HortaFCUL volunteers create plant nests in the Bioilhas@MARE
Source: HortaFCUL

HortaFCUL celebrated 15 years of existence last year. Since the initial letter sent to the Board in 2009, requesting an opportunity to develop a community permaculture project on campus, it has come a long way to establish itself as a center of knowledge and a source of valuable social and environmental tools, not only for Ciências ULisboa, but also for many other national and international projects and institutions. More about hereHortaFCUL's 2024 activity report is available for reading.


We all see umbrellas that are improperly abandoned, everywhere, as soon as autumn-winter begins!

Have you ever stopped to question whether there is a better solution to avoid wasting these resources?

The Faculty of Sciences of ULisboa has 2 (two) collection points available, where you can leave the damaged umbrellas that you find on your way.

Later the Eco-Social Nucleus and AEFCL will hand them over to R-Coat so that they can work their magic and reuse these resources to make new products such as raincoats and hats!

You can find these collection points in the C5 building, in front of the HortaFCUL stand and also at the entrance of the C6 building, next to the globe!



FCUL's CiclOficina helps bike users repair their bikes for free and create a culture of using bicycles as urban transport. CiclOficina is for everyone and aims to involve bicycle users in their repair, thus allowing progressive learning.

Every Wednesday from 18:00 to 20:00 in Building C3, floor 1, Science ULisboa.

More information



Sea and sky

Other events in the field of Sustainability

SOCLIMPACT ( is a research and innovation project from Horizon 2020 that aims to model and assess the impacts of climate change and the ways of adapting to climate changes, for case studies covering 11 islands and European archipelagos. Ciências ULisboa, through FC.ID, was the Insular Focal Point for the Autonomous Region of the Azores and coordinated the work package for creating the Adaptation to Climate Change paths.​