News and Events

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The University of Lisbon (ULisboa) through RedeMOV, an interdisciplinary thematic network in the area of smart urban mobility, awards the ULisboa-RedeMOV 2024 Award with the aim of distinguishing the best master's and doctoral final works carried out at the University of Lisbon related to the theme of smart urban mobility.

The prize, worth €2,500 for the best final doctoral work and €1,500 for the best final master's work, will be awarded for the third time in 2024 according to the Regulation, also available on the ULisboa RedeMOV Award page. Authors of final master's and doctoral works whose exams have taken place in the calendar year 2023 can apply for the ULisboa RedeMOV Award - 2024.

All those who meet the conditions established in the Regulation may submit their application by filling out the Application Form, which must be sent with a digital copy of the final work to the email

Applications until September 15, 2024.


CIÊNCIAS signed a collaboration protocol with Raiz Vertical Farms, to install a vertical garden on campus.

The launch of the vertical garden is scheduled for September and aims to carry out research and teaching activities and initiatives in the area of sustainable agriculture for the entire community of CIÊNCIAS.

Learn more here


3rd edition of the Faz pelo Planeta Movement seeks people committed to the environment

This year, in addition to the applications of individuals, the challenge extends to associations/NGOs, start-ups and micro-enterprises and larger companies that develop projects that protect the environment and inspire the entire community to follow that example.


  • Individual prize: 2,500 euros.
  • Start-up or micro-enterprise: 7,500 euros
  • Association or NGO: 5,000 euros.
  • Company: recognition awarded, with a corporate changer seal.

Applications until September 30th. The winners will be announced in November.

Applications can be submitted on the Movement's website, where it is possible to consult more information about the initiative.  Participate in or share the challenge with someone who might apply.


The study within the scope of the DOMUS project - sheltering and getting to know the biodiversity of Sciences up close, is integrated in the Projects in the area of Sustainability @Ciências and aims to establish a closer relationship between the ULisboa Science community and the animal biodiversity existing on campus. Additionally, the project aims to promote awareness of the value of biodiversity and its importance in building more sustainable cities with a better quality of life.



Luís Carriço (Diretor de CIÊNCIAS) e Carlos Martins (Presidente da EPAL) junto a um dos novos bebedouros.

The Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon joined the challenge of EPAL - Empresa Portuguesa das Águas Livres to consume Tap Water in its common areas, representing another commitment to the Environment and to the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.


RTP report on the mini forest of Ciências Ulisboa on 06/26/2024, explaining that urban mini-forests that adopt the Miyawaki method are based on the application of the principles of biodiversity and natural forest ecology for the creation of dense, diverse, and sustainable forests in urban landscapes and other human-modified landscapes. This method makes it possible to create self-sustaining mini-forests that can thrive with minimal maintenance. It involves the dense planting of a wide variety of native tree and plant species in abundant soil, creating a natural forest ecosystem. It is based on the idea that natural forests are more resilient and able to adapt to change than monoculture plantations.


CIÊNCIAS gives value to recycling!
Together we are adopting practices that have an impact, not only on the environment, but also on our quality of life.
On World Recycling Day, CIÊNCIAS informs that on campus we have 145 recycling points and since January 2023, 4 tons of plastics and 32 tons of paper have been collected.

Already in 2024 we have managed to collect almost 1 ton of food waste.

With the effort of the entire CIÊNCIAS community we managed to preserve 720 trees and the amount of plastic collected is equivalent to 3200 t-shirts!



Mário Ruivo Award - Ocean Generations (4th edition) - Applications until 15 September

In the 2024 edition, dedicated to the theme "The Ocean and Climate Change", it is intended to raise awareness of the Ocean-Climate nexus, the close relationship and interdependence between the Ocean and the terrestrial climate system, crucial to understanding and addressing climate change. The films submitted by the young filmmakers will be evaluated in four categories - Message, Creativity, Scientific Culture and Future.




FCUL's CiclOficina helps bike users repair their bikes for free and create a culture of using bicycles as urban transport. CiclOficina is for everyone and aims to involve bicycle users in their repair, thus allowing progressive learning.

Every Wednesday from 18:00 to 20:00 in Building C3, floor 1, Science ULisboa.

More information



Sea and sky

Other events in the field of Sustainability

SOCLIMPACT ( is a research and innovation project from Horizon 2020 that aims to model and assess the impacts of climate change and the ways of adapting to climate changes, for case studies covering 11 islands and European archipelagos. Ciências ULisboa, through FC.ID, was the Insular Focal Point for the Autonomous Region of the Azores and coordinated the work package for creating the Adaptation to Climate Change paths.​