At Ciências ULisboa, the main objective of the adopted sustainability policies, which foster a culture of environmental, social and economic responsibility, has been the promotion of an innovation ecosystem for sustainability, in balance with the well-being of all elements of Sciences and that of the community in which it operates, as well as the preservation of natural resources and the environment. In this sense, it is possible to divide the intervention of Sciences into 4 major dimensions:
- Promote knowledge, innovation and the transfer of knowledge in the field of sustainability, training highly qualified professionals who are aware and capable of positively influencing the impacts of their actions on the environment, society and the economy;
- Share and sensitize the entire Science community to the principles of sustainability;
- Involve the entire internal and external science community in an inclusive and participatory manner, with the objective of improving the performance of all dimensions of sustainability;
- Continuously assess and improve the environmental impact of activities carried out in Science, adjusting the management of support and operational processes, respecting the principles of social and environmental responsibility, by reducing the use of resources and the production of waste and emissions, seeking to improve the quality of life on campus.
The Sustainability Living Lab @ Ciências ULisboa aims to give coherence and visibility to a diverse set of activities already going on, and to enhance the involvement of the school´s community, and the surrounding reality, in the challenge of sustainable development in all its dimensions - social, environmental and economic. The main goal is to promote an inspiring set of good practices and an ecosystem of innovation for sustainability on the school campus, hosting, monitoring and experimentation projects in all aspects of sustainability.