International Student

Group of four international students
Application deadlines
Applications for: 1st period 2nd period
1st Cycle (Bachelor Degrees) 02 January - 07 February 2025 03 April - 23 May 2025
2nd Cycle (Master Degrees) 10 March - 11 April 2025 23 June - 18 July 2025
3rd Cycle (PhD Degrees) Application deadline not yet available Application deadline not yet available


The International Student is the one that does not have Portuguese nationality.

Who cannot apply as an International Student?

  • Nationals of a European Union country;
  • Relatives of Portuguese national citizens or nationals of a Member State of the European Union, irrespective of their nationality;
  • Those who, under an international treaty signed between the Portuguese State and the State of their citizenship, can benefit from a legal status granting them similar rights and obligations to a Portuguese citizen, on the 1st of January of the year in which they intend to enter in higher education studies;
  • Those who are beneficiaries, on 1st January of the year in which they intend to enter in higher education, of equal status of rights and duties assigned under an international treaty granted between the Portuguese State and the State which they are nationals of;
  • Those who want to register an enroll through the Special Conditions of Entrance (Decreto-Lei nº 393-A/99, de 2 de outubro, modified by the Decreto-Lei nº 272/2009, de 1 de outubro);
  • Foreign students that are currently registered and enrolled at a Portuguese higher education institution through an international mobility programme, in order to complete part of a cycle of studies from a foreign higher education institution, with whom the Portuguese institution has established an exchange agreement for that purposes.

Family member of an European Union citizen means:

  1. The spouse;
  2. The partner with whom the Union citizen lives in a de facto union (união de facto) pursuant to the law, or with whom the Union citizen has a permanente relationship duly certified by the relevant authority of the Member State where he/she resides;
  3. The direct descendants who are under the age of 21 or are dependants of the Union citizen, and those of the spouse or partner as defined in the preceding subparagraph;
  4. The dependant direct relatives of the Union citizen in the ascending line and those of the spouse or partner as defined in subparagraph 2).

The international students shall maintain their status until the end of the course in which they are initially enrolled or in transit, with the exception of those who in the meanwhile acquire the nationality of a Member State of the European Union, in which case the international student status is no longer applicable.

All the information available on the special access for International Students can be found in the following legislation:

The first document (Decreto-Lei n.º 36/2014, de 10 de março, modified by Decreto-Lei n.º 62/2018, de 6 de agosto) establishes the International Student conditions and the requirements that an applicant must have in order to apply to a higher education institution.

This information does not discharge the reading of the above mentioned legislation.


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