Special Access

Application Deadlines

08 July - 26 July 2024


Special access is for applicants with specific qualifications given the diversity of the non-traditional public that currently want to attend university – adult students with irregular academic training, graduates who want to change careers, professionals that want to recycle their knowledge and skills, people who are unemployed and invest in higher education, the working population that intends to further develop their interests or even retired individuals. 

Special courses are organised for:

a) Students approved in the exams especially suitable to evaluate the capacity of those over 23 years old to attend higher education; 

b) Holders of a technological specialisation diploma; (Note: No vacancies were fixed)

c) Holders of a senior technician professional diploma; (Note: No vacancies were fixed)

d) Holders of other higher education courses.


Over 23 years old

The special access to higher education especially suitable for over 23 years old applies to students who have approved in the exams especially suitable to evaluate the capacity to attend higher education. Registration for carrying out these tests will take place in the first quarter of the year, on a date fixed by the Rectory of ULisboa. 

Applications: 08 July - 26 July 2024

Candidates “over 23 years old” may apply if they have passed in the several tests carried out for that effect in the FCUL and course for which the tests were carried out. 

Vacancies: Please consult the Public Notice

Selection criteria: The best average for application to higher education.

Fees: Application fee 60.00 Euros

The application fee is paid by ATM reference automatically generated at the time of application submission. If payment of the application fee is not made by ATM reference, the application will not be considered. 

Needed documents:

  • Identity Document and Tax File Number - optional.

If documents are not provided, applications will be dismissed.


Holders of a Technological Specialisation Diploma (Note: no vacancies were fixed)

No vacancies were specified for applications on holders of Technological Specialisation Courses (CET) - (Point 1 of Article 7 Decreto-Lei no. 113/2014 of 16 July, in its current wording.


Holders of a Senior Technician Professional Diploma (Note: no vacancies were fixed) 

No vacancies were specified for applications on holders of Senior Technician Professional Courses - (Point 1 of Article 10 Decree-Law no. 113/2014 of 16 July, in its current wording.


Holders of Secondary Level Dual Certification Courses and Specialized Artistic Courses

No vacancies were specified for applications on holders of Secondary Level Dual Certification Courses and Specialized Artistic Courses, under the application of Decreto-Lei No. 11/2020, of 2nd April).


Holders of other Higher Education Courses 

Applications: 08 July - 26 July 2024

Holders of an Associate’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD degree that performed another institution/course pair of Portuguese higher education or Students of Portuguese nationality, from a Member State of the European Union nationality or Students who are not covered by the International Student Statute, who are holders of equivalence/recognition of a higher academic degree obtained abroad. 

Vacancies: Please consult the Public Notice.

Selection criteria:

  1. The best average from the qualifications they hold;
  2. In case of a tie, preference will be given to applicants that finished the course in a shorter period;
  3. In case of a tie, preference will be given to former students of FCUL.

Fees: Application fee 60.00 Euros

The application fee is paid by ATM reference automatically generated at the time of application submission. If payment of the application fee is not made by ATM reference, the application will not be considered.

For candidates living abroad, the application fee is paid by bank transfer. (For more information, please read the Public Notice).

Needed documents:

  • Certificate of conclusion of the degree with mention of the final classification obtained, date of conclusion and discriminated grades; (Not applicable to FCUL alumni);
  • Identity Document and Tax File Number - optional.

The available information does not replace the Public Notice


Online Application

1. Account Creation

Applicant student from FCUL, with a valid account – login with your number and password at https://fenix.ciencias.ulisboa.pt/ and access the application form in the tab "Candidato".

Applicant student from FCUL, without a valid account (applicants who are not currently enrolled in the study cycles of the Faculty of Sciences) - they should go to https://balcaoc.ciencias.ulisboa.pt/servico/criar-conta-utilizador to reactivate their account. Automatic account reactivation uses your mobile phone number and/or personal email address. If these contacts are not in our systems or are out of date, you will need to request activation directly at the IT Services desk (room 1.2.10). You can then access the application form in the "Candidato" section.

Applicant who is not a FCUL student – you must create an account directly in https://fenix.ciencias.ulisboa.pt/accountCreation.

Once the account has been created, an e-mail indicating the login (bennuXXXXX) will be sent to the address specified in the form.
To proceed with the application, login at https://fenix.ciencias.ulisboa.pt/ and fill the application form available in the Tab “Candidate”. If you do not receive the e-mail, make sure to check your mailbox SPAM folder.
You can request a new e-mail or recover a forgotten password in https://fenix.ciencias.ulisboa.pt/passwordResetRequest. If the problem persist, feel free to contact support services on suporte@ciencias.ulisboa.pt.


2. Choose the course you want to apply for.


3. Fill / validate all fields of the "tabs" of application.


4. Gather the necessary documents of the mandatory delivery.


5. Scan and attach to the application form all required delivery documents. We prefer to send scanned documents in Word, PDF or image formats (ex: jpeg, gif, png, etc.).

Applications that do not include all mandatory documents will not be accepted / validated.


6. Submit the application.


7. Wait for receipt of an e-mail to pay the respective application fee.

Payment of application fee in the amount of 60.00 Euros.

Payment must be made through:

Reference ATM or

  • Bank transfer (only for applicants who are not in Portugal).

Payments must be made solely in the period corresponding to the application stage.


8. You must submit your bank transfer receipt in the application.


Throughout the application process candidates will receive notifications by email and may consult the status.