Doctoral Programmes

Female student holding a diploma

Application Deadlines 2023/2024

  • 3rd period: 01 April - 30 April 2024

(see also: 3rd period of applications of International Students)


Submit Application

Applicants should be aware that some courses have specific deadlines and entry requirements– you can find more information on this in the respective course pages.

Below is the list of courses that are open for applications:

Number of Places and Selection Criteria 2023/2024
Doctoral Programmes Places (3rd period) Selection Criteria
Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution Not available 3C-BIODIV
Biology 10 3C-BIO
Biology and Ecology of Global Changes 11 3C-BEAG
Biochemistry 15 3C-BIOQ
Cognitive Science Not available Public Notice
Marine Sciences 11 3C-CMAR
Geophysical Sciences and Geoinformation 14 3C-CGG
Biomedical Engineering and Biophysics 3 3C-EBB
Physical Engineering 20 3C-EF
Statistics and Operations Research 11 3C-EIO
Physics and Astrophysics 11 3C-FA
Geology 18 3C-GEO
History and Philosophy of Science 13 3C-HFC
Informatics 10 3C-INF
Mathematics 4 3C-MAT
Digital Media 10 3C-MD
Chemistry 7 3C-QUIMICA
Sustainable Energy Systems 7 3C-SSE


Tuition Fees

The annual tuition fees is set at 2750.00 €. However, there are courses with different fees, so please consult the specific information for each course.

For students from other countries outside the European Union (International Students), there is a separate access regime.


Regulations and Contacts


Contacts for more information:


Application Results