
Minifloresta da Ciências ULisboa: um caso de sucesso, reconhecido pela União Europeia

A FCULresta - um dos projetos do Laboratório Vivo para a Sustentabilidade da Ciências ULisboa e que tem origem no projeto europeu "1Planet4All - Empowering youth, living EU values, tackling climate change" -, foi selecionada e destacada como um dos projetos com maior impacto do programa ‘DEAR: Development Education and Awareness Raising", financiado pela União Europeia.

GROW Observatory: Citizens and Open Data for Climate Action

The GROW Observatory is one of four Citizen Observatories funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and is led by a consortium of 18 partner organisations.

The GROW Observatory, in collaboration with the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon and the Impact Hub Lisbon, is engaging local stakeholders to an evening of information, discussion and networking, reconnecting citizens to science, and science to policy.
