ECONICS, solutions inspired by ecological systems

ECONICS proposal is the application of the understanding of complex systems theory and scaled ecosystem dynamics, to practical problems in sustainable management of ecosystems.

What makes ecological systems efficient? What are the drivers of system evolution in a changing world? How do ecological systems become resilient against disturbances? How do they adapt to changing framework conditions?

This open seminar is integrated in the Climate Change and Sustainable Development Doctoral Program.

Adaptive Management of Risks and Vulnerability: Introduction to the MARISCO methodology

In this workshop participants will learn about MARISCO, a transparent and participatory approach that takes adaptation to climate change into account. Is unconstrained by any lack of scientific, evidence-based knowledge (use of non-knowledge) and thus open to all audiences with their diverse valuable information to offer. Follows the approach of a systematic “step-by-step” procedure which is based on conservation objects and a systemic analysis of all factors and threats that generate stress in territorial systems, with emphasis on conservation areas.

Ação de plantação na Herdade da Ribeira Abaixo

Ação de plantação, ajudada, troca de aprendizagens, confraternização e envolvimento de investigadores, alunos, vizinhos e amigos da Herdade da Ribeira Abaixo na plantação da zona de agrofloresta, pomar, aromáticas e linhas de água, no âmbito do projeto ibérico "LIFE Montado & Climate: a need to adapt".

Vagas limitadas - os interessados em participar deverão contactar hrace3c@ciencias.ulisboa.pt.

Catalysing European Local Climate Action

Municipalities across Europe are unique in their size, structure and challenges. Yet, they are united in their ambition to provide an environment conducive to the wellbeing of their citizens and are increasingly recognising the opportunities of a low-emission development pathway. The BEACON conference will shine a light on the ecological, social and economic innovations that are emerging at the local level.
