Hands-on Workshop on High-Throughput Microscopy 2017

New application deadline: 09th June 2017!

Participants will learn the basic principles of High-Throughput Microscopy (HTM) applied to RNAi and drug screening. The workshop takes the form of a small HTM project: participants will be introduced to the theory of HTM, involved in disussions on how to design a RNAi/drug screen, perform an actual HTM experiment (including a bioassay and automated image acquisition), perform image analysis and statistical data analysis. Some applications of HTM will be highlighted on research seminars.

Bridging science and policy - what does economics contribute?

Dominic Moran
Land Economy & Environment Research Group
SRUC, Edinburgh, UK

The brief talk with outline economic approaches to environmental policy and the nature of government decision making on the environment. It will consider key distinctions and controversies between traditional neoclassical thinking and ecological economic thought.

Sono: o bom, o mau e o vilão

O sono é essencial, não só a um estado otimizado de vigília e performance mas também à sobrevivência. Não é possível resistir-lhe por muito tempo e, desafiar esta verdade, tem um custo elevado, com impacto ao nível cognitivo, metabólico e imuno-inflamatório. No entanto, a privação de sono é um hábito praticamente universal na sociedade atual.
