The duration of the doctoral program in Mathematics (FCUL) has been changed to four years, three of which dedicated to the thesis. The obtention of the degree Doctor may, nevertheless, occur after three years. New options in advanced training courses (first year of the PhD program) will be offered covering all specialities, as well as research seminars. The options are subject to availability in DM (FCUL). For more information concerning the PhD program and LisMath, please contact Professors Teresa Monteiro Fernandes (coordinator of the PhD program) or Teresa Faria.
Doctoral options
Hamiltonian Systems; Mathematical Methods in Continuum Mechanics; Mathematical Topics from Biology; Optimisation and Calculus of Variations; Ordinary and Functional Differential Equations; Probability in Quantum Mechanics; Representation of Groups; Singularity Theory; Topics on Mathematical Logic; Theory of Inverse Semigroups; Theory of Matrices; Theory of D-Modules and Symplectic Geometry.
Advanced versions of master courses
Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems (D); Differential Topology (D); Ergodic Theory (D), Evolution problems (D); Finite Element Methods and Applications (D); Introduction to Algebraic Geometry (D); Lie Groups and Lie algebras (D); Mathematical Physics (D); Multilinear Algebra (D); Numerical Analysis of Differential Equations (D); Operator Theory (D); Partial Differential Equations (D); Riemannian Geometry ( D); Rings, Algebras and Representations (D); Semigroups, Automata and Languages (D); Stochastic Analysis (D); Universal Algebra (D).