This is the 14th edition of a specialized course on the Physics at the Large Hadron Collider. It is organized by LIP in the framework of the International Doctorate Network in Particle Physics, IDPASC. The course runs from 17 February to 28 June 2025.
The objective of the course is to introduce the physics, analysis methods and results on the physics areas covered by the LHC experiments. Emphasis is placed on the search for new physics, in particular phenomena at the basis of the electroweak symmetry breaking. Benchmark channels in proton-proton collisions will be discussed in detail, covering the identification of the objects involved, the signal and background properties, the background estimation and the S/B discriminants, the evaluation of systematical errors, and the extraction and interpretation of the final results.
- Experimental program at the LHC
- Standard Model at the LHC
- Detectors
- Statistics
- Top quark physics
- Higgs Physics
- SuperSymmetry
- Exotic processes and Dark Matter
- Heavy flavor physics and rare decays searches
- Matter at high density and temperature