Por Tiago Guerreiro (Ciências ULisboa, LASIGE).
The advances in computing and sensing technologies, along with the capabilities to process and infer information from them, have not been accompanied by similar-paced developments on end-user tools. Scientific databases are filled with new possibilities for monitoring and predicting diseases, but clinicians (and patients) see slow and poor advances in what is provided for their practice and daily lives. In this talk, I will provide a broad overview of my group's work on working closely with people to build interactive systems that fit their abilities and day to day needs (in accessible computing and digital healthcare). Particularly, I will present the research we have been doing embedded in clinical environments co-designing usable technologies for clinical practice. Alongside this, I will argue that this user-centered multidisciplinary effort makes both parts (technology and clinical) more equipped to discuss new designs and move research forward in a way that is grounded on experience. Lastly, I will present what we have learned from empowering clinicians with the tools to author their own data collection procedures, towards the democratization of digital healthcare.
Bio: Tiago Guerreiro is an Assistant Professor at Universidade de Lisboa (Faculdade de Ciências) and a researcher at LASIGE. His main areas of expertise are HCI, Pervasive Healthcare, and Accessible Computing. His research is focused on improving health and accessibility through technology, following a user- and data-driven approach, pillared by deploying and assessing technological artifacts in-the-wild. In these areas, he published 100+ peer-reviewed papers. He received awards for 10+ papers and an ACM Best of Computing award in 2016. He is Editor-in-Chief for ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing and was ACM ASSETS 2020 General Chair. He was an invited expert supporting the European Commission in implementing the Web Accessibility Directive. He is the president of his institution’s Ethics Review Board, the coordinator of LASIGE’s research line on Accessibility and Aging, and a member of the coordination board of the Data Science Master at FCUL. He leads the Tech&People lab (https://techandpeople.github.io).