Re-enrolment and Transfer of Institution/Programme Pair Regime

Application Deadlines

8 July - 26 July 2024


Change of Institution/Course Pair: for Informatics Engineering there are no vacancies for the 2nd and 3rd year.​


Re-enrolment (only applicable to FCUL Students)

Re-enrolment happens when a student, after interrupting their studies at an institution/course, enrols at the same school and in the same course or succeeding course.

Applications: 8 July - 26 July 2024

Students who may re-enrol at an institution/course:

  • Those who have been enrolled and registered at that Institution/Course Pair or preceding pair;
  • Those who were not registered at that Institution/Course Pair in the academic year prior to the one they want to re-enrol.

Students whose enrolment has expired, according to the Eligibility Regulation of the University of Lisbon, may only apply to this regime after two semesters have elapsed since the loss of eligibility.

There is no limit to the number of places.

Fees: Application fee 60.00 Euros

  • For students living in Portugal, the application fee is paid by ATM reference automatically generated at the time of application submission.

If payment of application fee is not made by ATM reference, the application will not be considered.

  • For students living abroad, the application fee is paid by bank transfer. (For more information, please consult the Public Notice.

Upon application submission you must select the payment option 'bank transfer' and attach proof of payment. For confirmation purposes, the name of the account holder must be stated on the proof of payment. 

Needed documents:

  • Identity Document and Tax File Number - optional; 
  • Student record (if the applicant interrupted the course before the end of the academic year 1989/1990).

If documents are not provided, applications will be dismissed.


Change of Institution/Course Pair

Change of institution/course pair occurs when a student enrols and or registers at an institution/course pair different from that in which was registered in the preceding academic years. A change of institution/course pair may occur with or without cancellation of enrolment or registration at a higher education institution.

Change of institution/course pair is not allowed in the same academic year that a student was placed, enrolled and registered, under any entry regime, at another institution/course pair.

Change of institution/course pair it is not allowed to Holders of a senior technician professional diploma or corresponding level of foreign course for undergraduate study cycles or cycles of integrated master studies. 

Applications: 8 July - 26 July 2024

Students who may apply to change institution/course pair:

  • Those who have been enrolled and registered at another institution/course pair of National higher Education but have not completed the studies;
  • Those who have taken the school-leaving exams corresponding to the entrance exams required for that pair and for that year under the general access system;
  • Those who have achieved the minimum marks required by the higher education institution, for that year, under the general access system;
  • Those who have been enrolled and registered at a foreign higher education institution, recognised as such by that same country, and have not completed the programme.

The change of institution/Course Pair also applies to students that:

  • Who have been enrolled and registered at a foreign higher education institution, recognised as such by that same country, and have not completed the programme.

For students who hold foreign Secondary School, legally equivalent to Portuguese secondary education, the national secondary school examinations needs to correspond to entrance exams set by FCUL for the course they are applying for. These are met by the application of Article 20-A of the Decreto-Lei No. 296-A/98 of 25th September, in its present form and in accordance with Deliberação CNAES 414/2023, of 18th April and the Deliberação CNAES 677/2024, of 22th May. 

For students who entered higher education through a special competition for "Over 23 Years", the entrance exams (national exams) may be replaced by assessment tests for access to higher education for more than 23 years, required by FCUL to the course to which they intend to apply, and: 

  • Students who carried out the tests “Over 23 years” in FCUL, not need to present the exams;
  • Students who have approved in the exams “Over 23 years” in another pair institution / higher education course, will have to request, until 15th July, the request for validation of the same with the Department of Academic Affairs at the Rectory of the University of Lisbon (Article 16 of Despacho No. 1324/2020). 

Students enrolled in higher education with a technological specialization diploma (DET) or a Senior Technician Professional Diploma (DTSP) cannot replace the tests, having to prove the realization of national exams. (Paragraph 2 of Art. 8 and 11 of Decreto-Lei No. 113/2014 of 16th July, amended by Decreto-Lei No. 11/2020, of 2nd April).


Selection criteria:

  1. Best average of access to the course, based on the criteria for the year in which you are applying [50% - final mark in high school (12th grade); 50% - mark in the specific exam(s)];
  2. In case of a tie, the best score in the national secondary school exams corresponding to the entrance exams set by FCUL in the year of application, under the general access regime (best score in the specific exams - national exams);
  3. In case of a tie, highest number of credits (ECTS) already made in the predominant scientific area of the course you are applying.

Number of vacancies: Please consult the Public Notice.

Fees: Application fee 60.00 Euros

  • For students living in Portugal, the application fee is paid by ATM reference automatically generated at the time of application submission.

If payment of application fee is not made by ATM reference, the application will not be considered.

  • For students living abroad, the application fee is paid by bank transfer.

Upon application submission you must select the payment option 'bank transfer' and attach proof of payment. For confirmation purposes, the name of the account holder must be stated on the proof of payment.


Needed documents:

Applicants coming from Portuguese Higher Education Institutions:

  • Identity Document - optional;
  • Tax File Number - optional; 
  • ENES Form;
  • Certificate of the Validation of the exams of “over 23 years" performed in the Department of Academic Affairs at the Rectory of University of Lisbon (only for students who have approved in another higher education institution); 
  • Certificate of registration/enrollment in the higher education institution if not have approvals in curricular units or certificate of approved curricular units, with the corresponding credits (ECTS) and the grades obtained (not applicable to students of FCUL); 
  • Declaration that the applicant is not covered by the eligibility regime (not applicable to students of FCUL). 

Applicants coming from International Higher Education Institutions: 

  • Identity Document - optional;
  • Secondary Scholl certificate legally equivalent to the Portuguese secondary education, with all approved courses and the final classification and final exams (national exams) of the secondary terminals disciplines considered homologous (or equivalent) to the entrance exams for the course that applying 1;
  • A certificate of registration / enrollment in foreign higher education establishment, stating that the course is recognized as superior by the legislation of the country concerned 1;
  • Certificate of approved subjects, with the corresponding credits (ECTS) and the marks obtained, with explanation of the grading scale used in the country of origin 1;
  • Syllabus and workload of the concluded subjects, only if the applicant intends to request crediting for the accomplished subjects 1.

1 If obtained outside of an EU institution, documents must be certified by a Portuguese consular authority in the country of origin or recognised with the Hague Apostille by the competent authority of the State (official education services) where the document was issued. Documents not issued in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish must be translated into one of these languages. 


If documents are not provided, applications will be dismissed. 


The available information does not replace the​ Public Notice.


Online Application

1. Account Creation

Applicant student from FCUL, with a valid account – login with your number and password at and access the application form in the tab "Candidate".

Applicant student from FCUL, without a valid account (applicants who are not currently enrolled in the study cycles of the Faculty of Sciences) - they should go to to reactivate their account. Automatic account reactivation uses your mobile phone number and/or personal email address. If these contacts are not in our systems or are out of date, you will need to request activation directly at the IT Services desk (room 1.2.10). You can then access the application form in the "Candidate" section.

Applicant who is not a FCUL student – you must create an account directly in
Once the account has been created, an e-mail indicating the login (bennuXXXXX) will be sent to the address specified in the form.
To proceed with the application, login at and fill the application form available in the Tab “Candidate”. If you do not receive the e-mail, make sure to check your mailbox SPAM folder.
You can request a new e-mail or recover a forgotten password in If the problem persist, feel free to contact the support services on


2. Choose the course you want to apply for.


3. Fill / validate all fields of the "tabs" of application.


4. Gather the necessary documents of the mandatory delivery.


5. Scan and attach to the application form all required delivery documents. We prefer to send scanned documents in Word, PDF or image formats (ex: jpeg, gif, png, etc.).

Applications that do not include all mandatory documents will not be accepted / validated.


6. Submit the application.


7. Wait for receipt of an e-mail to pay the respective application fee.

Payment of application fee in the amount of 60.00 Euros.

Payment must be made through:

Reference ATM or

  • Bank transfer (only for applicants who are not in Portugal).

Payments must be made solely in the period corresponding to the application stage.


8. You must submit your bank transfer receipt in the application.


Throughout the application process candidates will receive notifications by email and may consult the status.