3rd Cycle

Submit your final work through Fénix.

Confidential Thesis must be delivered in the Postgraduate Studies Area.



  • Application for admission to PhD examination;
  • Statement for addition to the collection of the University of Lisbon;
  • Supervisor(s)' statement on the conformity of the thesis to be submitted to examination (on letterhead of their institution);
  • Thesis file (working document - PDF file);
  • Curriculum Vitae (PDF file). 

Note: copies of the thesis and Curriculum Vitae must be delivered to the Department to be handed to the Panel members, as directed by the PhD Programme Coordinator.

For a confidential thesis, specific regulation should be followed.

Reading of the Knowledge Enhancement Policy Regulation of the Faculty of Sciences is advised.



Examination admission fee 250.00Euros.

The fee must be paid on the day of submission/delivery of the Thesis, using the ATM reference available at Fénix (payment method for submissions on Fénix).



The final work layout should follow the Doctoral Studies Regulation of the Faculty of Sciences.




Delivery of the thesis working document:

During the duration of the thesis registration, i.e. 5 years, non-extendable.

Delivery of the final thesis:

30 working days after completion of the examinations or after confirmation of conformity of resubmission (if applicable). 

On that date, it should be  delivered:

  • 1 Copy of the final thesis. The cover and first page must follow the thesis template (final document);
  • 1 Curriculum Vitae;
  • 1 CD with the final thesis file and one more Curriculum Vitae (PDF files).



If resubmission of the thesis is proposed, the student has 120 non-extendable working days to proceed accordingly, unless the student states their intention not to do so. 
After the deadline, if the thesis is not resubmitted nor a statement of intention to preserve the original submission is received, it will be deemed that the student does not wish to continue doctoral work and the registration will be annulled. 


More information / Contacts

Postgraduate Studies Regulation of the University of Lisbon (Despacho No. 8631/2020, from 08th of September; Declaração de Retificação No. 648/2020, from 25th of September)

Doctoral Studies Regulation of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon

Postgraduate Studies Area  > doutoramentos@ciencias.ulisboa.pt