
The regularity of solutions to the elasto-plastic problem and to variational problems of fast growth

Por Arrigo Cellina (Università di Milano-Bicocca).

Abstract: We consider the problem of the higher differentiability of solutions to some variational problems, characterized by the fast growth of the Lagrangian with respect to the variable gradient. In particular,  the case of the elasto-plastic problem, where the Lagrangian is an extended-valued function, will be discussed.

Prémio Turing para Valiant

Valiant acredita que a ciência da aprendizagem permanece apenas explorada parcialmente, e que o uso das previsões (via a Aprendizagem) no mundo atual, tão sujeito às mudanças e às surpresas, é particularmente interessante. Por exemplo, os sistemas biológicos são altamente adaptativos, e compreender o que eles fazem, passo a passo, e porquê tem êxito, levaram-no a considerá-los como tópicos ideais para uma teoria da aprendizagem e da ciência da computação.

From entropic to deterministic optimal transport

Por Christian Léonard (Univ. Paris Ouest).

Abstract: In the early 2000, T. Mikami proved the convergence of entropic transport to deterministic quadratic transport, when a fluctuation parameter vanishes, by means of h-processes. Inspired by some features of Mikami's method and applying elementary large deviation technics to the Schrödinger problem, we extend Mikami's result to any continuous cost function and recover the standard results about optimal transport without appealing to c-monotonicity.

Meeting on Functional Analysis, Linear Structures and Applications

This meeting aims to develop interactions between mathematicians working in Functional Analysis, Group Representation Theory, Matrix Theory and Linear Systems, and other relevant areas. Participation is open to anyone with interests in these and other related areas.

This 2-day Workshop will be held at the Universidade do Algarve on 5-6 September 2017. The programme will consist of 45 minutes’ talks presented by invited speakers.

On the afternoon of Wednesday, 6th September, there will be a round table restricted to members and collaborators of CEAFEL.
