
Axiomatic Thinking

O encontro comemora o centenário do artigo “Axiomatisches Denken” de David Hilbert.

No dia 11 de outubro, o encontro decorre na Academia das Ciências e é dedicado aos Fundamentos da Matemática. Nos restantes dias (12 a 14 de outubro), decorre no campus da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa e também serão abordados outros aspetos do pensamento axiomático.

Continuous model theory and Banach space geometry: an introduction (part 2)

Por Alexander Usvyatsov (Universidade de Lisboa, CMAF-CIO).

Abstract: These two talks are intended as a soft and not too technical introduction to model theory of metric structures, including a short history and motivating questions, with a particular emphasis on fundamentals of continuous first order logic. I will also mention a few successful applications to Banach space theory, as well as more recent promising directions. 

Mirror symmetry for Nahm branes

Por Emílio Franco (Universidade do Porto).

Abstract: Using the Dirac–Higgs bundle, we consider a new class of space-filling (BBB)-branes on moduli spaces of Higgs bundles, given by a generalized Nahm transform of a stable Higgs bundle. We then use the Fourier–Mukai–Nahm transform to describe its dual brane, which is checked to be a (BAA)-brane supported on a complex Lagrangian multisection of the Hitchin fibration.

Continuous model theory and Banach space geometry: an introduction

Por Alexander Usvyatsov (Universidade de Lisboa, CMAF-CIO).

Abstract: These two talks are intended as a soft and not too technical introduction to model theory of metric structures, including a short history and motivating questions, with a particular emphasis on fundamentals of continuous first order logic. I will also mention a few successful applications to Banach space theory, as well as more recent promising directions. 
