
Open mathematical problems in continuum mechanics solids

Por Tomas Roubicek (Czech Academy of Sciences).

Abstract: Various models at large strains will be surveyed and mathematical difficulties will be highlighted to show that a lot of fundamental problems still remain open. Nevertheless, some results are available in particular if the concept of nonsimple materials is addopted, both in the static, quasistatic, and dynamical situations.

Some new perspectives on moments of random matrices

Por Fabio Deelan Cunden (University College Dublin).

Abstract: The study of ‘moments’ of random matrices (expectations of traces of powers of the matrix) is a rich and interesting subject, mainly due to its connections to enumerative geometry. I will give some background on this and then describe some recent work which offers some new perspectives (and new results).

This talk is based on joint works with Antoine Dahlqvist, Francesco Mezzadri, Neil O’Connell and Nick Simm.
