
Emerging Pathways in Interdisciplinary Information Physics: Unveiling Hidden Dynamics and Predictability in Non-Ergodic Coevolutionary Complexity

Por Rui A. Pita Perdigão (Meteoceanics Interdisciplinary Centre for Complex System Science; CCIAM – cE3c; Institute of Telecommunications, Physics of Information and Quantum Technologies Group).

Our planet is a complex coevolutionary system involving a coherent diversity of processes and interactions across multiple spatio-temporal scales and domains. Albeit its dynamical complexity, core fundamental principles regulate individual and cooperative processes and interactions, ultimately relating to the overall system dynamics.

Deformation theory of symplectic and orthogonal sheaves

Por Emílio Franco (IST).

Abstract: While it is well known that the moduli space of G-bundles over a smooth projective curve is compact, it is not the case for an arbitrary base variety. This motivated the definition of G-sheaves by Gomez and Sols who proved that their moduli space is a compactification of the moduli space of G-bundles. In this talk I will study the deformation and obstruction theory of these objects when G is either the symplectic or the orthogonal group.

Hugo Messias, duplamente premiado

O Prémio Breakthrough em Física Fundamental 2020, um dos mais prestigiantes em Física, foi atribuído ao projeto Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) e a cada um dos 347 membros, incluindo o português Hugo Messias, antigo aluno da Ciências ULisboa e atualmente investigador do Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço. Hugo Messias foi ainda galardoado este ano com o prémio GQ Men of the Year, na categoria ciência.

A two-phase two fluxes degenerate Cahn-Hilliard model as constrained Wasserstein gradient flow

Por Clément Cancès (Inria Lille - Nord Europe).

Abstract: We present an original model for immiscible two-phase mixtures. This model can be interpreted as the generalised gradient flow of the same energy as for the classical degenerate Canh-Hilliard model, but for a different geometry. Our model is shown to dissipate faster. Existence of weak solutions is established based on the convergence of a JKO semi discretization (joint work with Flore Nabet and Daniel Matthes).

Multi-messenger Astrophysics for observing the high-energy universe

Por Teresa Montaruli (Univ. Geneve / Chair of APPEC).

I will describe how photons can be complemented for the observation of the non-thermal universe by neutrinos and gravitational way.

IceCube, with its cubic-kilometric volume deep in the ice of the South Pole, is now monitoring the sky looking for neutrino flares of compact objects like pulsars and black holes.

I will present its recent results on cosmic exploration and on fundamental physics such as neutrino oscillations.
