Na ocasião da atribuição do Prémio Fernando Gil ao reputado filósofo das ciências Prof. Hasok Chang, Departamento de História e Filosofia das Ciências da Universidade de Cambridge, UK
A SAHFC tem o prazer de anunciar a próxima Conferência proferida pelo premiado
"Bringing History and Philosophy of Science Back Together"
Once considered an integrated discipline, history and philosophy of science (HPS) has suffered a fragmentation in recent decades. The separation is healthy in so far as it reflects the different aims and methods of history and philosophy. However, integrated HPS also has unique functions that should not be neglected. in seeking to re-integrate HPS, the most important focus is what is obviously shared between the philosophy of science and the history of science: the scientific knowledge that forms the subject of both fields. These claims will be illustrated with some examples from the physical sciences.