“Extremely long coastal waves” conferência por Yong Sung Park, Lecturer in Civil Engineering, Royal Society of Edinburgh/Scottish Government Personal Research Fellow co-funded by the Marie-Curie Actions. University of Dundee, Scotland.
Dia 8 de Novembro, pelas 13h30, sala 6.2.50, Edifício C6, 2º piso. FCUL, Cidade Universitária. Campo Grande, Lisboa
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Tsunamis have caused more than 260,000 human losses and $250 billion in damage worldwide in the last ten years, which affect the European overseas businesses operating in the region and the European people through the international aid spending (for example, UK spent £422 million for 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami). Recently, it is recognised that the commonly used waves to model tsunamis, namely solitary waves, are orders-of-magnitude shorter than the field observations, which calls for re-evaluation of the current understanding of tsunamis. To prompt the required paradigm shift, a new wave tank that can generate truly long waves is needed. In this talk, we will first review some recent developments in experimental studies of the extremely long coastal waves, and then discuss the design of the new tank, which is under development at the University of Dundee, Scotland.
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