LIP Mini-School on Charged Particle Therapy Applications

LIP, Lisboa
Imagem do evento

Since the announcement of the installation of a Cancer Proton therapy unit in Portugal, followed by the creation of the ProtoTera association, the interest in applications and developments on Cancer Therapy with Charged Particles has seen a great development at LIP.  Partnerships with reference institutions and key players in the field have been established and the number of students (Master and PhD) involved in the field has increased significantly, benefiting of specific support programs, such as the ProtoTera PhD programme. Most of these develpments have occurred during pandemic times, limiting the interaction of students between themselves, with LIP researchers and with the global LIP community.

The "LIP Mini-School on Charged Particle Therapy Applications" is being organized to bring the community together and to disseminate information about the state of the art in Cancer Therapy with Charged Particles.

Between the 2nd and the 9th of December we will host a series of online lectures, distributed by 5 sessions on week days, from 17h00 to 18:00, Portuguese time, by invited experts in the field of Cancer Therapy with Charged Particles.

On the 4th of December a student workshop will be held at LIP premises, in Lisbon, where present and future work will be discussed by LIP Master and PhD students. The workshop will be hybrid, with a Zoom connection. Presential participation in the workshop is open to everyone but subject to registration and limited to the room capacity adjusted to COVID restrictions. Remote participation is free.

More information on the Minischool and Student Workshop, namelly on the agenda and on invited talks themes and speakers, can be found in , where you can also find a registration form for the 4th of December Workshop and the zoom link for the online lectures and workshop.

The application for the event on the 4th December is currently open.


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Título/data do evento e fotografia da oradora

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Logótipo do evento

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Título do curso

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