
Doing statistics in darkness

What can a bioestatician advise to acelerate the understanding of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome

Sala 6.4.30, FCUL, Lisboa

Por Nuno Sepúlveda (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine & CEAUL).

Abstract: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a debilitating disease with unknown cause characterized by non-specific symptoms, such as fatigue, post exertion malaise, abnormal sleep patterns and frequent viral infections. The respective diagnostic is cumbersome due to the inexistence of a disease-specific biomarker. As a consequence, problems related to the definition of sampling population, patient’s classification, selective bias and confounding often emerge in clinical data from this disease. In addition, the respective statistical analyses involve a large number of tests exploring different hypotheses for the cause of ME/CFS. As such, false positive results might emerge if multiple testing is properly not accounted for in the analysis. In this talk, I will discuss all these statistical problems using data from the UK ME/CFS biobank as a case study. I will also introduce the new European network on ME/CFS (EUROMENE) and how it can be used to tackle some of the above problems.

CEAUL - Centro de Estatística e Aplicações da Universidade de Lisboa

Conversas sobre a geologia rica e fascinante do Parque Natural Sintra-Cascais, com a participação de vários docentes de CIÊNCIAS.

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Apresentação de candidaturas até 15 de dezembro.

An annual meeting that aims to bring together Evolutionary Biologists working in Portugal and abroad in order to promote scientific cohesion and excellence. This meeting is a forum for scientists of all academic levels (from master students to principal investigators), to present their work and discuss, fostering new ideas and collaborations.

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Candidaturas de 01 a 31 de dezembro.

Ação de formação para docentes e investigadores de Ciências.

A leading venue for presenting and discussing the latest research, industrial practice and innovations in dependable and secure computing.
