Lisbon Webinar in Analysis in Differential Equations

New dual variational methods for Nonlinear Helmholtz Equations and polychromatic solutions of Nonlinear wave equations

Transmissão através de Videoconferência

Speaker: Rainer Mandel (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology).

In the first part of my talk, I present the classical dual variational method in the context of Nonlinear Helmholtz equations that describe monochromatic waves in nonlinear materials. Afterwards, I discuss two recent generalizations of the method. The first deals with an extension to Nonlinear Helmholtz equations with sign-changing nonlinearities. For these problems we construct solutions that have infinite Morse-Index in the dual variational formulation. The second generalization concerns dual variational methods for the construction of breathers, i.e., polychromatic, spatially localized and time-periodic solutions of nonlinear wave equations. The results were obtained in collaboration with D. Scheider and T. Yesil.

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The Lisbon Webinar in Analysis in Differential Equations is a joint iniciative of CAMGSD, CMAFcIO and GFM, three research centers of the University of Lisbon. It is aimed at filling the absence of face-to-face seminars and wishes to be a meeting point of mathematicians working in the field.

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Um programa de formação avançada em Cibersegurança para a administração pública e o setor privado desenvolvido pelo Centro Nacional de Cibersegurança, no âmbito do Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência.

Logótipos Ciências ULisboa e C-Academy, títulos dos cursos

Um programa de formação avançada em Cibersegurança para a administração pública e o setor privado desenvolvido pelo Centro Nacional de Cibersegurança, no âmbito do Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência.

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Um evento de reunião da comunidade nacional nas diversas vertentes da informática, com a ambição de ser o fórum de eleição para a divulgação, discussão e reconhecimento de trabalhos científicos.

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Extended enrolement date until July 12th.

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