Por Dr. Dimitry Naumov (JINR).
Astrophysical neutrinos of ultra high energies discovered recently by IceCube Collaboraton opened a new branch of physics - neutrino astronomy.
A determinaton of sources of ultra-high energy neutrino requires an accurate reconstructon of neutrino arrival directon and good neutrino energy reconstructon.
The major part of neutrino interactons is seen as shower events. It is hard to achieve a reasonable accuracy in the angular reconstructon of showers in the ice because of very intense light re-scatering. The corresponding scatering length in BAIKAL water is an order of magnitude larger thus allowing a more precise determinaton of neutrino arrival directon.
JINR together with other institutons is constructng a cubic kilometer water Cherenkov detector in the Lake BAIKAL. The main aim of this detector is a precise determinaton of sources of ultra-high energy neutrinos.
I will report about the current status, plans and invite you to join BAIKAL GVD Collaboraton.