Research support

This section of the Library portal focuses on supporting teachers and researchers by providing them with information and services that contribute to the success of their research work.


FCT's open access policy

This new policy, applicable to funding for which the application period ends after 7 February 2025, is aimed at scientific articles, books, book chapters and monographs, as well as doctoral theses and master's dissertations, embodying the understanding that research funded by public funds, such as those granted by the FCT as part of its mission, should produce results that are in the public domain, freely accessible and reusable by all. In this way, scientific co-operation and the advancement of science are enhanced, while also promoting greater visibility for scientific production and its authors.


B-on Transformational Agreements

Transformative agreements allow authors to publish OA in a wide range of journals. Until 2027, b-on has negotiated with most of its publishers’ agreements that include advantageous OA publishing conditions for b-on member affiliated authors. The library provides information on current agreements, available quotas and ensures the validation of data provided by authors to publishers. Contact us by email or phone (+351 217500813 or ext. 521101) for any questions.


CiênciaVitae Assistance

CIÊNCIAVITAE is a platform that allows researchers to create, manage and promote their curriculum vitae. Integrated with national and international systems, this platform allows you to import work from other systems such as ORCID, FCT-Sig, RCAAP, Renates and PRIES. This national science curriculum management system is essential for preparing applications for research projects in national competitions. Ciências library, as CIÊNCIAVITAE Promoter for its community, is the local contact to support users in creating and using the curriculum.


DOI Request

DOI is an alphanumeric code that identifies digital content and provides a persistent internet address. Ciências library, as a Crossref member, provides the community with DOI registration and guarantees the maintenance of its metadata. Contact us by email or phone (+351 217500813 or ext. 521101) for any questions.


ISBN Request

ISBN is a unique identifier system for books and non-periodical publications that allows information about available books to be easily found. Ciências library, as manager of the Ciências ISBN prefix, mediates the ISBN request process to APEL (ISBN Portuguese Agency). This service only includes publications published in Portugal under the responsibility of a Science Department or EI&D. Contact us by email or phone (+351 217500813 or ext. 521101) for any questions.


ISSN Request

ISSN  is a numerical code that constitutes a unique international identifier for each serial publication (magazines, newspapers, monographic series, etc.) whatever their medium. Ciências library manages ISSN attribution requests to the National ISSN Center and clarifies doubts about them. This service only includes serial publications published in Portugal under the responsibility of a Science Department or EI&D. Contact us by email or phone (+351 217500813 or ext. 521101) for any questions.


ULisboa Repository

ULisboa Repository comprises digital documents resulting from research activities carried out at the University. Ciências, as a ULisboa School, manages a collection that improves the visibility of Ciências scientific production and allows Ciências researchers to comply with the open access requirements inherent to public funding in national and international EI&D. The library provides support to Ciências community throughout all the deposit creation/management process. Contact us by email or phone (+351 217500813 or ext. 521101) for any questions.


SIIC ULisboa - Integrated Scientific Information System

The implementation of the Integrated Scientific Information System of ULisboa began in 2023. This project aims to aggregate ULisboa's scientific information. SIIC ULisboa is available at and its access is via centralized authentication (Ciências institutional account). Ciências’ teachers and researchers can now add content related to “Activities”, “Prizes”, “Press/Media”, “Projects” and “Datasets” and consult the integrated information related to “Personal Identification” and “Research Outputs”. The library staff ensures the local helpdesk. All requests for information about the system, its access or for correction of registered information must be sent to