National Call

Applications should respect the procedures and deadlines established by the Directorate-General for Higher Education (DGES).


Entrance Exams, Minimum Grades and Number of Places

Entrance Exams, Minimum Grades and Number of Places 2025/2026
Entrance Exams
Minimum grades
Places 2025/2026
Biology [02 - Biology and Geology and 07 - Physics and Chemistry] or
[02 - Biology and Geology and
19 - Mathematics A]
Application: no classification under 120
Entrance exams: no classification under 100
Biochemistry [02 - Biology and Geology and
19 - Mathematics A] or
[07 - Physics and Chemistry and
19 - Mathematics A]
Application: no classification under 120
Entrance exams: no classification under 100

Biomedical Engineering and Biophysics

[07 - Physics and Chemistry] and 
[19 - Mathematics A]
Application: no classification under 120
Entrance exams: no classification under 120

Energy and Environment Engineering

[07 - Physics and Chemistry] and 
[19 - Mathematics A] or
[02 - Biology and Geology and
19 - Mathematics A]
Application: no classification under 100
Entrance exams: no classification under 100

Engineering Physics

[07 - Physics and Chemistry] and 
[19 - Mathematics A]
Application: no classification under 100
Entrance exams: no classification under 95
Geospatial Engineering [07 - Physics and Chemistry] and 
[19 - Mathematics A]
Application: no classification under 100
Entrance exams: no classification under 95
Informatics Engineering [19 - Mathematics A] and one of these exams:
[02 - Biology and Geology]
[04 - Economics]
[07 - Physics and Chemistry]
[10 - Descriptive Geometry]
Application: no classification under 120
Entrance exams: no classification under 100
Applied Statistics [07 - Physics and Chemistry and 19 - Mathematics] or
[04 - Economics and
19 - Mathematics A] or
[02 - Biology and Geology and
19 - Mathematics A]
Application: no classification under 100
Entrance exams: no classification under 95
General Studies Two of these exams:
[06 - Philosophy]
[16 - Mathematics]
[18 - Portuguese]
Application: no classification under 95
Entrance exams: no classification under 95
Physics [07 - Physics and Chemistry] and 
[19 - Mathematics A]
Application: no classification under 100
Entrance exams: no classification under 95
Geology Two of these exams:
[02 - Biology and Geology]
[07 - Physics and Chemistry]
[19 - Mathematics A]
Note of the application: no classification under 100
Entrance exams: no classification under 95
Mathematics [07 - Physics and Chemistry and 19 - Mathematics A] or
[02 - Biology and Geology and 19 - Mathematics A] or
[04 - Economics and 19 - Mathematics A]
Application: no classification under 140
Entrance exams: no classification under 100
Applied Mathematics [07 - Physics and Chemistry and 19 - Mathematics A] or
[04 - Economics and 19 - Mathematics A] or
[02 - Biology and Geology and 19 - Mathematics A]
Application: no classification under 140
Entrance exams: no classification under 100
Meteorology, Oceanography and Geophysics [07 - Physics and Chemistry and
19 - Mathematics A] or
[02 - Biology and Geology and
19 - Mathematics A]
Application: no classification under 100
Entrance exams: no classification under 95
Chemistry [07 - Physics and Chemistry] and 
[19 - Mathematics A]
Application: no classification under 100
Entrance exams: no classification under 95
Technological Chemistry [07 - Physics and Chemistry] and 
[19 - Mathematics A]
Application: no classification under 100
Entrance exams: no classification under 95
Information Technology [16 - Mathematics] and one of these exams:
[02 - Biology and Geology]
[04 - Economics]
[07 - Physics and Chemistry]
[10 - Descriptive Geometry]
Application: no classification under 100
Entrance exams: no classification under 95


Calculation of Application Grade

The application grade for 1st Cycle courses is calculated in accordance with the formula:

50% of the Final grade from secondary school / 50% of the Grade from specific exam(s) 


Entrance Grades

Application Grades (National Competition for Admissions to Higher Education 2024)

Entrance Grades 2024
Course 1st Period 2nd Period
Biology Min: 157.5
Max: 195.5
Min: 159.0 
Max: 189.0
Biochemistry Min: 154.5
Max: 196.8
Min: 172.3
Max: 172.3
Biomedical Engineering and Biophysics Min: 159.0
Max: 177.5
Min: 169.8
Max: 174.3
Energy and Environment Engineering Min: 123.8
Max: 156.8
Min: 118.8
Max: 151.3
Engineering Physics Min: 156.5
Max: 182.5
Min: 157.8
Max: 165.0
Geospatial Engineering Min: 122.8
Max: 163.8
Min: 114.5
Max: 137.5
Informatics Engineering Min: 159.3
Max: 187.5
Min: 166.0
Max: 176.0
Applied Statistics Min: 147.0
Max: 175.0
Min: 145.8
Max: 159.0
General Studies Min: 152.5
Max: 194.0
Min: 155.0
Max: 173.0
Physics Min: 150.5
Max: 188.5
Min: 150.3
Max: 165.8
Geology Min: 129.5
Max: 190.5
Min: 131.0
Max: 157.5
Mathematics Min: 151.0
Max: 197.5
Min: 147.5
Max: 177.5
Applied Mathematics Min: 162.0
Max: 193.0
Min: 164.0
Max: 194.5
Meteorology, Oceanography and Geophysics Min: 115.0
Max: 160.5
Min: 122.5
Max: 142.0
Chemistry Min: 147.0
Max: 187.8
Max: 136.0
Technological Chemistry Min: 117.8
Max: 146.8
Min: 123.3
Max: 152.8
Information Technology Min: 147.0
Max: 179.0
Min: 150.8
Max: 168.0