Existence and Complexity of Equilibria in Congestion Games
Speaker: Diogo Poças.
Speaker: Diogo Poças.
Por Daniela Oliveira.
O Departamento de Informática promove duas sessões de boas-vindas aos novos alunos 2020/2021:
Por Vinicius Cogo (aluno de doutoramento de Ciências ULisboa).
Francisco Couto gave an invited talk, titled "Multilingual Text Mining" at the first edition of the Multilingual clinical NLP workshop: MUCLIN. The event took place on July 4, online.
The second Workshop on Data-Centric Dependability and Security will take place on June 29 and July 2, 2020 in València, Spain and is colocated with the IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN).
Speaker: Bernardo Almeida (LASIGE, DI/FCUL).
Speaker: Ana Pires.
Speaker: Emilio Tuosto.
Speakers: Luís Brandão & René Peralta.