Segurança Informática

SafeComp 2020: 39th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security

Between 15 and 18 September 2020, occurs the SafeComp 2020: 39th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security, which is organized by members of LASIGE (António CasimiroBernardo FerreiraIbéria MedeirosPedro Ferreira) and whose general chair and program co-chair is António Casimiro.

This year the key theme of the conference is "Safe AI in critical systems", with around 150 participants from 18 countries registering.

Prova de Mestrado "Vulnerabilities Detection at Runtime and Continuous Auditing"

Bruno Octavio Horta Lourenço defende a dissertação "Vulnerabilities Detection at Runtime and Continuous Auditing".

Júri das provas:

  • Presidente: António Casimiro Ferreira da Costa, DI/FCUL;
  • Arguente: Pedro Miguel Frazão Fernandes Ferreira, DI/FCUL;
  • Orientador: Ibéria Vitória de Sousa Medeiros, DI/FCUL.

Transmissão em direto disponível aqui.
