
Sequenciamento de Nova Geração: Princípios e Aplicações

Por Anderson do Carmo (Pos-Doc, FCUL / Doutor em Genética - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Brasil).

Metodologias de sequenciamento de DNA vêm a cada dia se aprimorando e diversificando. Essa evolução faz com que seja gerada uma grande quantidade de dados em pouco tempo. A partir dessas plataformas é possı́vel trabalhar não apenas com o sequenciamento de genomas completos, mas também com regiões especı́ficas como genes de interesse e também com vários tipos de RNA.

Prova de Doutoramento "Reproductive interference among spider mites: using behaviour and life-history effects to predict eco-evolutionary consequences"

Salomé Gomes Loureiro Hipólito Clemente apresenta a tese "Reproductive interference among spider mites: using behaviour and life-history effects to predict eco-evolutionary consequences".

Practical course on Phylogenetics

Phylogenetics is one of the scientific areas of Biology that has grown fast and evolved in methodological terms in the last years. Its applications go from the studies of the evolution of species and populations to the least expected, as the study of the origin of the AIDS virus or seasonal cycles of the flu. The course is aimed at students and professionals that intend to get started in phylogenetic analysis as well as researchers already with some experience wanting to deepen or update their knowledge in the field.

Practical Course on Phylogenetics

Phylogenetics is one of the scientific areas of Biology that has grown fast and evolved in methodological terms in the last years. Its applications go from the studies of the evolution of species and populations to the least expected, as the study of the origin of the AIDS virus or seasonal cycles of the flu. The course is aimed at students and professionals that intend to get started in phylogenetic analysis as well as researchers already with some experience wanting to deepen or update their knowledge in the field.
