
Dia Aberto de Produtores

No processo de globalização também a nossa alimentação sofreu alterações profundas - muitos alimentos que consumimos vêm do outro lado do mundo e passámos a comer frutas e legumes fora de época. A produção a larga escala tornou-se comum. O valor nutricional de muitos alimentos diminuiu e o seu nível de açucares aumentou - a saúde dos portugueses ressentiu-se, os diabetes e as doenças cardiovasculares aumentaram.

Stable isotopes in Ecology and Environment: a tool to integrate scales and complexity

Currently, climate changes or alterations are known to be reflected on the stable isotope ratios of Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Carbon, Oxygen and Sulphur present in atmospheric gas forms, fresh or ocean water, as well as in plants and animals and organic matter in the soil. Samples from those matrices can provide a record for such changes across a given length of time and / or space. Also, ecological and physiological processes often reflect on stable isotope ratios, again setting a record in plant, animal or other living tissues.

ECONICS, solutions inspired by ecological systems

ECONICS proposal is the application of the understanding of complex systems theory and scaled ecosystem dynamics, to practical problems in sustainable management of ecosystems.

What makes ecological systems efficient? What are the drivers of system evolution in a changing world? How do ecological systems become resilient against disturbances? How do they adapt to changing framework conditions?

This open seminar is integrated in the Climate Change and Sustainable Development Doctoral Program.
