On the area functional and related Plateau type problems

Por Riccardo Scala (University of Rome 1, “La Sapienza”).

Abstract: We introduce the notion of area of the graph of a smooth function and the definition of the corresponding relaxed functional. We discuss some issues related to determine the domain and the exact value of it on singular maps. Finally we show how this question is related to Plateau-type problems with mixed boundary conditions and how to solve it in some specific cases.

Initial-boundary value problem for a fractional type degenerate heat equation

Por Wladimir Neves (Instituto de Matemática, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil).

Abstract: In this talk, we consider a fractional type degenerate heat equation posed in bounded domains. We show the existence of solutions for measurable and bounded non-negative initial data, and homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition. The nonlocal diffusion effect relies on an inverse of the s-fractional Laplacian operator, and the solvability is proved for any s , 0 < s < 1.

Decidability of first-order theories

Por Cristina Sernadas (Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa).

Abstract: Some results and reduction techniques for proving decidability of mathematical theories and completeness of logics are presented. The crucial role of the theory of real closed ordered fields is explained. Selected illustrations from Euclidean Geometry to Quantum Logic are discussed.
