Standing wave and travelling wave solutions for a fourth order Schrödinger equation

Speaker: Jean-Baptiste Casteras (CMAFcIO, Universidade de Lisboa).

In this talk, we will be interested in standing wave solutions to a fourth order nonlinear Schrödinger equation having second and fourth order dispersion terms. This kind of equation naturally appears in nonlinear optics. In a first time, we will establish the existence of ground-state and renormalized solutions. We will then be interested in their qualitative properties, in particular their stability.

Bealer's Intensional Logic (Part II)

Speaker: Clarence Protin.

Abstract: Many intuitively valid arguments involving intensionality cannot be captured by first-order logic, even when extended by modal and epistemic operators.

Indeed, previous attempts at providing an adequate treatment of the phenomenon of intensionality in logic and language, such as those of Frege, Church, Russell, Carnap, Quine, Montague and others are fraught with numerous philosophical and technical difficulties and shortcomings.

The Painlevé I equation and the A2 quiver

Speaker: Davide Masoero (Grupo de Física Matemática, FCUL).

Abstract: We study a second-order linear differential equation known as the deformed cubic oscillator, whose isomonodromic deformations are controlled by the first Painlevé equation. We use the generalised monodromy map for this equation to give solutions to the Bridgeland's Riemann-Hilbert problem arising from the Donaldson-Thomas theory of the A2quiver.

Bealer's Intensional Logic (Part I)

Speaker: Clarence Protin.

Abstract: Many intuitively valid arguments involving intensionality cannot be captured by first-order logic, even when extended by modal and epistemic operators.

Indeed, previous attempts at providing an adequate treatment of the phenomenon of intensionality in logic and language, such as those of Frege, Church, Russell, Carnap, Quine, Montague and others are fraught with numerous philosophical and technical difficulties and shortcomings.

How to find a Fractal function from real data?

Speaker: Cristina Serpa (CMAFcIO).

Fractals are beautiful mathematical objects and are everywhere. It is possible and widely known how such objects are constructed mathematically. A fascinating challenge is how can a fractal pattern be mathematically found from real data? Let us remember that a fractal is chaotic, a dynamic system very sensitive to initial conditions. In this seminar I will present a method that I developed to find fractal functions that approximate real data.
