How does competition affect metabolism and what are the consequences for community functioning?
E3 Talk, por Giulia Ghedini (Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Functional Ecology Group).
E3 Talk, por Giulia Ghedini (Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Functional Ecology Group).
Encontro Scientia, por Adriana Príncipe da Silva (cE3c - Ecology of Environmental Change - eChanges).
Encontro Scientia, por André Henriques (cE3c - Computational Biology and Population Genomics).
Apresentação pública do novo projeto LIFE “LIFE PREDATOR”, com o objetivo de combater a disseminação da espécie invasora peixe-gato-europeu, Silurus glanis, nos lagos e albufeiras do Sul da Europa, para a conservação da biodiversidade.
E3 Talk, por Alejandro Lopera (ONG Andes Amazon Fund & Estación Biológica Manu).
Encontro Scientia, por Letícia Duarte (cE3c - Conservation in Socio-Ecological Systems).
E3 Talk, por Matthew Nielsen (Genetics and Ecology Research Unit, University of Oulu, Finland).
Encontro Scientia, por Vanessa Ribeiro (Development and Evolutionary Morphogenesis, cE3c).
The goal of this course is to provide participants with current and practical knowledge on urban ecology, including its ecological and social aspects.
This course offers an overview of the different ways to measure biodiversity, and provides tips for the stratification of primary biodiversity data and the construction of variables that describe its various facets. It also includes an in-depth review of the different types of data used to measure biodiversity and their problems and limitations.